
Posted by Nigeria Direct on 2009/02/14 | Views: 2249 |

In Nigeria, there are 19 Federal Ministries, covering all relevant sectors of the polity.
Each has a Minister and in some cases, an additional Minister of State at the helm of affairs. These appointments are made by the President. The Permanent Secretary is the accounting officer and administrative head of each ministry, while the Head of Service of the federation is the administrative head of the Civil Service.

The list of Federal Ministries is given below:

Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources
Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry 
Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation
Federal Ministry of Defence 
Federal Ministry of Education 
Federal Ministry of Energy
Federal Ministry of Environment, Housing and Urban Development 
Federal Ministry of Finance 
Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Federal Ministry of Health

Federal Ministry of Information & Communications
Federal Ministry of Interior
Federal Ministry of Justice
Federal Ministry of Labour
Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development
Federal Ministry of Science and Technology
Federal Ministry of Transportation
Federal Ministry of Women Affairs
Federal Ministry of Youth Development 

Federal Capital Territory
National Planning Commission
National Sports Commission