Ministry of Energy

Posted by Nigeria Direct on 2009/02/14 | Views: 4933 |

Ministry of Energy

IMPORTANT DOCUMENTATION (click below for detail)

Block D' NNPC Towers,
Herbert Macaulary Way,
Central Business District,
PMB 449, Abuja.

Tel: +234 09-7805085, 09-6737815, 09-5239462, 09-5239465, 095237064.
Fax: 09- 5236652


To be a veritable instrument for effective and efficient exploitation and utilization of the nation's energy for the transformation of her economy.


To formulate and monitor policies, regulations, standards and codes for the orderly, safe, peaceful and lawful development of the nation's energy resources so as to secure maximum value for the resources and render best services to the nation, while maintaining international relations that promote Nigeria's sovereign interest in the energy industry. 

The New Federal Ministry of Energy came into existence as a result of the recent merger of Power sector, Petroleum Ministry and other relevant parastatals.

Since independence, Petroleum and power sectors had been handled by various ministries. The fact that energy matters were handled at two or more parallel levels tended to diffuse the nation's focus and unanimity in responding to energy matters at international level, emergencies and treats to national security. The critical role that petroleum and power play in economic development, social welfare and environmental sustainability calls for integrated approach in energy planning.


The newly created Ministry of Energy will therefore, streamline the activities in the sector, eliminate the problem of unnecessary overlap and varying standards in the handling of matters relating to the sector. It will also ensure that the activities of all energy related agencies e.g. Energy Commission of Nigeria, Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and even Atomic Energy Commission are properly coordinated. This will enhance efficiency and effectiveness in human and energy resource management. The international practice is that the energy sector is domiciled in one ministry because of its sensitive nature and to ensure quick and coordinated response in times of emergency.


The Energy Ministry will also handle matters relating to power generation, transmission and distribution; oil exploration and production, gas development, product marketing and distribution, the refineries, oil and gas sector reforms, community issues, relevant aspects of international co-operation, and the application and regulation of nuclear energy in the country.



The responsibilities of the Federal Ministry of energy are as follows: 

  • Initiation and formulation of the board policies and programmes on the development of the energy sector (electricity, oil and gas) in general; 
  • All policy matters on the marketing of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products and their derivatives; 
  • All concession policies in the oil, gas and power sub-sectors of the energy sector of the economy; 
  • Formulation of policies to stimulate private industry investment and participation in the oil, gas and power sectors; 
  • Administration of government Joint Venture interests in the energy sector in order to maximize fully economic benefits derivable from Nigeria's oil, gas and power resources and ensuring optimization of government interest in all oil, gas and power arrangements; 
  • Licensing of all petroleum, gas and power operations and activites; 
  • Rural electrification and electrical installation, inspection, testing and certification; 
  • Policy matters relating to research and development in petroleum, gas, processing, refineries, petrochemical industries and power plants through public private partnership; 
  • Formulation of policies to ensure increase of national oil and gas reserves base and Nigeria's increase technical productivity in accordance with appropriate planning and allocation of production quotas to producing companies in line with OPEC quota and maximization of revenue from oil and gas to the nation; 
  • Coordination and Supervision of all bilateral and multilateral relations affecting the energy (oil, gas and power) sector; 
  • Overall supervision and coordination of the activities of the following parastatals:-

-   Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and its subsidiaries; 

-          Petroleum technology Development Fund (PTDF); 

-          Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF); 

-          Petroleum Training Institute (PTI); 

-          Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC); 

-          Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA); 

-          Rural Electrification Agency (REA); 

-          Power Holding Company of Nigeria PLC. (PHCN and its subsidiaries); and  

-          National Integrated power Project (NIPP).


The objectives and targets of the government in the Energy sector are strategic to the industrial, technological, economic and social development of the country. These targets include the following: 


Power Sector

  • Generation of 10,000 MW and strengthening of transmission and distribution facilities by the end of 2007.

  • Increase access to electricity by 50% of the population by the year 2010 

Oil and Gas Sector

  • Achieve crude oil reserves of 40 billion barrels by 2010

  • Increase crude oil production capacity to 4.5 million barrels per day by 2010

  • Attain zero gas flare - out by 2008

  • Create as much revenue from gas as oil by 2011

  • Increase local content to 70% by 2010

  •  To refine 50% of crude oil production by 2010

Renewable Energy Sector

  • To contribute 10% of total energy demand by 2015



The various reforms and incentives introduced since 1999 have brought significant improvements in the areas of power generation, transmission and distribution as well as overall management of the country's oil and gas resources. In order to facilitate the attainment of the set objectives in the power sector, government has introduced the following reforms and incentives amongst others:

  •  The incorporation of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) as an entity to oversee the creation of eighteen (18) successor companies out of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) thus facilitating the development of a competitive electricity market;

  • Establishment of the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) with power to regulate on the subject to: 

-          Grant approvals for appropriate Licenses and Tariffs; 

-          Create competition and market power; and 

-          Establish consumer assistance fund.

  • Establishment of Rural Electrification Agency and Rural Electrification Fund;

Government has also introduced reforms in the oil and gas sector which proposes the following structure for the industry:

  • National Petroleum Directorate (NPD)

  • Petroleum Inspectorate Commission (PIC)

  • National Oil Company (NOC)

  • Petroleum Products and Distribution Authority (PPDA)

  • National Petroleum Research  Centre (NPRC)

The Ministry has been restructured in line with the reforms while NNPC is being repositioned towards achieving high performance standards in terms of improvements in overall business performance, best practices, financial management, technology systems and human resources as a world class oil and gas company.


It is expected that the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) will be transformed into a medium size exploration and production company with capacity for national and international operations to produce 150,000 barrels per day with 750 million reserves by 2008.


The following measures are being undertaken to implement the reform programmes in the oil and gas sector:

  • Maintain a comprehensive database on oil and gas

  • Maintain a strategic balance between production from on-shore terrain, continental shelves and deep off-shore

  • Enforce the marginal Fields Law

  • Build gas utilization infrastructure into the design of urban developments.

  • Construct proposed Trans - Nigeria Gas Pipeline (Ajaokuta - Abuja- Kaduna - Kano)

  • Develop price incentives to attract investments in the gas industry

  • Strategic investment in viva methanol project in order to prepare adequately for ethanol as an alternative source of energy for both domestic needs and foreign exchange earnings by 2008.



(i)               Petroleum resources (DPR)

(ii)      Power and Electrical Inspectorate

(iii)     Planning, Policy Analysis and Research

(iv)     Other Energy sources Development

(v)      Finance and Human Resources




(i)       Legal

(ii)      Information and Protocol

(iii)     Internal Audit

(iv)     Reforms

(v)      ICT










Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

NNPC Towers, Central Business District, Herbert Maculay Way, PMB 190 Garki Abuja

09 2348200-17, 09-2008100-6

Fax: 09-2340029



Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA)


Plot 564/565, airport Rd (Independence Avenue) Central Business Destrict, PMB 559, Garki, Abuja

092343121, 2343123,6701152

Fax: 09 2343122


Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)


Plot 672, Port Harcourt Crescent, off Gimbiya street, Area 11, Garki Abuja

234-9 3142216-7

Fax: 234-9-314229


Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF)


Plot 541, Usuma Street
Cadastral Zone AS, Maitama
District, Abuja.





Rural Electrification Agency (REA)



Plot 532AA, No. 16 Gwani Street, off IBB Way, Zone 4,

Wuse - Abuja.





Power Holding Company of Nigeria PLC. (PHCN and its subsidiaries)



Corporate Hqrs, Plot 441,Zambezi Street, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama- Abuja.

234-9-4135606, 234-9- 4135668




Niger Delta Power Companies







Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, (NERC)

Adamawa Plaza, Plot 1099 , First Avenue, off Shehu Shagari Way, Central Business District, PMB 136,

Garki -Abuja.


Fax; 234-9-5237938



Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN)

ECN Building,

Plot 701c, Central Area,

Opposite Central Mosque. P. M. B. 358, Garki-Abuja


Fax 234-9-5234925