National Planning Commission (Presidency)

Posted by Nigeria Direct on 2009/02/14 | Views: 2921 |

National Planning Commission (Presidency)

P.M.B. 230
Old CBN Building,
Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

Tel: 09-2344465


To be the most effective planning institution that guides the growth and development of Nigerian economy to be one of the leading economies of the world.

The National Planning Commission (NPC) is currently occupying the 3rd & 4th Floor of the Old Central Bank of Nigeria Building. NPC was established by Decree No 12 of 1992, has the mandate to determine and advise the Government of the Federation on matters relating to National Development and overall management of the national economy.


         i.           To determine and advise Government on policies that will best promote national unity and integration and sustain the Nigerian nation.

        ii.           To ensure social justice and human welfare at all levels of the Nigerian society.

      iii.           To focus on key national development issues and suggests ways for efficient resolution.

     iv.           To determine how best the fundamental objectives and directive principles of State policy contained in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, can achieve the major objectives of optimal development and suggest amendments that may be required, from time to time, to achieve those objectives in the light of encountered realities.

       v.           To provide a national focal point for the co-ordination of national policies and programmes.

     vi.           To draw up, from time to time, national economic priorities and programmes and map out implementation strategies.

    vii.           To co-ordinate the formulation and implementation of government programmes as contained in annual plans, budgets, medium-term and perspective plans at the Federal, State and Local Government levels.

  viii.           To enhance the efficiency of public sector spending and general national economic management.

      ix.           To continually visualize the international economic system in target horizons and identify the activities likely to become dominant or strategic globally.

       x.           To determine how Nigeria can best adapt to realize the objectives and compete efficiently in the global system.


        i.            To provide policy advise to the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces in particular and Nigeria in general on all sphere of life.

       ii.            To set national goals and engender consensus among Government agencies, corporate bodies and worker's unions in support and accomplishment of such priorities and goals as may be contained in guidelines issued by the Commission from time to time.

     iii.            To undertake periodic review and appraisal of the human and material resources capabilities of Nigeria with a view to advancing their development, efficiency and effective utilization.

    iv.            To formulate and prepare long-term, medium-term and short-term national development plans at Federal and Local Government levels.

      v.            To monitor projects and progress relating to plan implementation.

    vi.            To advise on changes and adjustments in institutions and management techniques as well as attitude necessary for alignment of actions with planned targets and goals.

   vii.            To conduct research into various aspects of national interest, public policy and ensure that the implications and results of findings in such research are geared towards the enhancement of national, economic, technological, defence and security capabilities and management.

 viii.            To mobilize popular group and institutional consensus in support of Government policies and programmes.

     ix.            To prepare and control the capital budget and set broad guidelines for the recurrent budget.

      x.            To manage multilateral and bilateral economic co-operation, including development aid and technical assistance programming.

     xi.            To deal with matters relating to the regional economic co-operation, including the Economic Community of West African States, the African Common Market, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the South-South Co-operation.


        i.            Ask for and obtain from any Government agency or other private institution statistical or other information relevant to the functions of the Commission under this Decree.

       ii.            Require any person to appear before the Commission or any committee of the Commission.

     iii.            To discuss matters which the Commission deems necessary for the purpose of effectively discharging the Commission's duties under this Decree.

    iv.            To give evidence or produce any document that may assist the Commission or any of its committees in the discharge of duties of the Commission under this Decree.

      v.            Bring to the attention of the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, areas where national programmes are seriously hampered and violated.

    vi.            Prescribe action along a given course for any Government agency for the attainment of identified specific national objectives.

   vii.            Advise the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces as to the appropriate measures to be undertaken by appropriate agencies or bodies in order to ensure their conformity with national policies or programmes.

 viii.            With the approval of the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, direct the Ministries and appropriate agencies not to release funds for projects for which there is lack of adequate information.

     ix.            Issue performance certificates in respect of projects for the purposes of budgetary and financial settlement.

      x.            Prescribe budget ceilings for both recurrent and capital expenditure programmes for the Federal Government.

     xi.            Issue guidelines and circulars regarding plan preparation, implementation and control.

   xii.            Make representation in the legislature for and on behalf of the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces.

  xiii.            Recruit, promote and discipline all officers of the Commission, provided that the Commissioners and the Secretary can only be disciplined with the approval of the Head of State, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces.

 xiv.            Determine the conditions of service of its employees, as appropriate.

  xv.            Provide advisory services on matters referred to it by any Government in the Federation or its agency, and the expense involved in such pursuits shall be borne by such Government or its agency.

 xvi.            Express its opinion on any matter as it considers pertinent to national development process.









Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research

P.M.B. 5,

University of Ibadan Post Office, Oyo Road, Ojoo, Ibadan, Nigeria.

02-8102904, 2006011-12

Fax: 02-8101194



Centre for Management Development

P.M.B. 21578,

Shangisha -Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

01-7748165, 08037120043



National Bureau of Statistics

Plot 762, Independence Avenue, Central Business District,

P.M.B. 127, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.

09-2701085, Fax: 09-2731084



Liaison Office of NBS

No 6, Polo Road, Off Ribadu Road,

South/West Ikoyi- Lagos, Nigeria.
