Reno Omokri’s Parents Should Be Appreciated For Giving Birth To A Senseless Child – Acapella [Video]

February 4, 2024

Nigerian comedian, Acapella has criticized former political aide Reno Omokri for his stance on President Bola Tinubu‘s administration.

video.jpg” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-273414″ alt=”Reno Omokri’s Parents Should Be Appreciated For Giving Birth To A Senseless Child – Acapella [Video]” width=”2560″ height=”1280″ title=”Reno Omokri’s Parents Should Be Appreciated For Giving Birth To A Senseless Child – Acapella [Video] 1″ data-sizes=”(max-width: 2560px) 100vw, 2560px”>

In a video shared on Instagram, Acapella accused Reno Omokri of becoming a puppet for the current government, which he believes is exacerbating the challenges faced by Nigerians.

The comedian expressed his disappointment, suggesting that Omokri’s parents deserve appreciation for raising a child who lacks common sense.

Addressing Omokri’s tweet alleging that Nigerian women spent over $200 million on wigs, Acapella defended the beauty industry, emphasizing that the purchases were made in the local currency, contributing to the Nigerian economy.

The comediancontrasted this with the significant expenditure on cars for senators, arguing that such funds did not circulate within the country.

Acapella highlighted the global trend of diversifying revenue sources, citing the United Arab Emirates as an example.

He pointed out how United Arab Emirates is moving away from oil to generate revenue from other sectors, unlike Nigeria.

The comedian added that it is only a government that is not working that would look for who to blame for their failures.

He asserted that Omokri’s self-proclaimed title of a “table shaker” is baseless, as he believes Omokri has nothing substantial to contribute.

Acapella stated that Omokri’s parents “need to be appreciated for giving birth to a child that does not have sense”.

Watch the video below:

KanyiDaily recalls Reno Omokri recently countered Afrobeats superstar, Davido, who is known for the popular phrase, “we rise by lifting others.”

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