69-Year-Old Man Divorces His Wife Of 30 Years After Finding Out She Voted For Joe Biden

November 10, 2020

A 69-year-old man identified as Joseph White has made a shocking claim that he has divorced his wife of 30 years because she voted for Joe Biden in the just concluded presidential election in United States.

69-Year-Old Man Divorces His Wife Of 30 Years After Finding Out She Voted For Joe Biden 1

Mr White made this revelation on Twitter while reacting to Joe Biden’s tweets stating his plans to combat coronavirus COVID-19.

The man said he was disappointed with his wife after she told him that she voted Joe Biden, adding that his divorce papers have been signed and “everything is done”.

He said he is leaving to Colombia or Mexico and has vowed never to return to the US until the country is fixed after he described the outcome of the elections as rigged.

“My wife told me that she voted for Joe Biden….As we speak we are getting divorced and I’m leaving for Colombia… Papers signed everything is done I’m quite disappointed we were together for 30 years. Absolutely disgusted with the 2020 elections, rigged. BIDEN NOT MY PRESIDENT.

“My wife told me that she voted for Joe Biden. As we speak we are getting divorced and I’m leaving for Colombia…Papers signed everything is done.. Absolutely disgusted with the 2020 elections, what a disgrace.”

“That’s it, that seals the deal. I’ve been a U.S citizen for 69 years and in all my time of being one I have never seen an election this rigged. I’ve had enough of it…until you fix this country. I’ll be packing my bags to Mexico where they actually know how to run a country. BYE”

69-Year-Old Man Divorces His Wife Of 30 Years After Finding Out She Voted For Joe Biden 269-Year-Old Man Divorces His Wife Of 30 Years After Finding Out She Voted For Joe Biden 3

KanyiDaily reported that Joe Biden won the US 2020 presidential election, denying Donald Trump second tenure in office.

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