#CoronavirusUpdate: Pope Francis tested for coronavirus after falling ill and showing symptoms

March 3, 2020

Pope Francis has been tested for coronavirus after he reportedly fell ill and was forced to cancel his engagements.

The Pope was due to attend a Lent retreat, but he couldn’t attend because he was suffering from cold.

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This is the first time the Pope will cancel his schedule since he became a pope.

After showing coronavirus symptoms, the pope’s blood was taken for tests and the results for Covid-19 came back negative this morning.

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Italy is currently battling the deadly coronavirus, the country is the worst hit, after China.

The death toll in Italy is currently at 60 and the total number of confirmed cases has surpassed 2000.

Meanwhile, A newly elected member of parliament in Iran, Mohammad Ali Dastak, has died from coronavirus (COVID-19). After testing positive to the virus a few days ago, Dastak, a veteran of the Iraq-Iran war, was confirmed dead by Iranian media on Saturday.

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