#USElection2020: Donald Trump Will In No Way Concede Defeat – President’s Personal Lawyer Says

November 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani disclosed in a press conference shortly after Joe Biden was declared the 46th president of the United States that the incumbent President will not concede defeat.

In Philadelphia on Saturday Rudy Said, “He’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,”

Without any evidence, he claimed that ballots were tampered with in Pennsylvania, the state that gave Biden the crucial Electoral College votes necessary to win the White House.

Rudy Giuliani was joined by three poll watchers who claimed they were prevented from adequately monitoring the ballot counting process.

The Lawyer said he has statements from 25 watchers and has spoken to a total of 50 with similar stories.

“I could have brought about 50 with me,” Rudy said, but he did not because “50 is too many,” and some were afraid of retribution” he added.

According to Rudy Giuliani, the Trump campaign plans to file several federal lawsuits alleging the “uniform deprivation of the right to inspect” ballots.

Giuliani accused the “Democratic machine in Philadelphia” of tampering with counting, and “keeping the votes of dead people secret,” among other baseless accusations.

“Seems to me somebody from the Democratic National Committee sent out a note that said don’t let the Republicans look at those mail-in ballots,” he claimed, again without offering any evidence.

The Attorney added that for Biden to be gaining a lead in the state vote count after Election Day is proof of corruption.

President Trump initially led in Pennsylvania but lost that lead after unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots, which under state law are not allowed to be counted before Election Day pushed Biden ahead.

“You just don’t lose leads like that without corruption,” he states, though it is not unusual for early leads to shift as more votes are tallied.

Asked about the call for President-elect Biden by major news networks, Giuliani mocked the media for harbouring “hateful biases” toward President Trump. “Networks don’t get to decide elections, courts do,” he said.

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