Oba Ewuare’s advice to selfish, sectional leaders

July 3, 2023

An Esan proverb says, “It’s in the mouth of an elder that the maize is strong.” That’s, it’s an elder – with farming experience – that can decide if the corn is mature to harvest.

Figuratively, though, only the bold, courageous and unwavering can broach what the lily-livered can’t contemplate.

Fittingly, His Royal Majesty, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Oba Ewuare II, Oba of Benin, has lately admonished leaders to pursue the people’s collective interest.

Like his forebears – from Oba Erediauwa I to Oba Akenzua II down the ages – Oba Ewuare seldom speaks in public. When he does, it’s to tell truth to power.

It’s usually when that power is present, either at the Palace of the Oba in downtown Benin City, the capital of Edo State, or when the Oba pays a visit to the subject.

If the subject visits the Royal Court, the Omo N’Oba will deliver his punch, as he formally responds to the subject’s reason for the courtesy. (If the Oba visits, the uppercut will rank in his address)

It doesn’t matter if the subject touches on the theme of the Oba’s remarks. What’s apt is, the Royal Father seizes on the moment to tell the subject the home truth.

Unlike most of his peer Royal Fathers, the Oba doesn’t massage visitors’ egos in public, and draw their ears behind the scenes. On matters of public interest, he’ll censure them in the open!

On a thank-you-visit on June 20, former Minister of State for Budget and Planning, Prince Clem Agba, got a shocking appraisal from Oba Ewuare: He’d failed Edo people – on whose behalf he became Minister.

Agba ought to reciprocate in kind, and service the three senatorial districts of Edo State, rather than pander to sectional interest.

The Omo N’Oba noted Agba’s appreciation of his intervention – writing to former President Buhari for Edo State to have two cabinet slots – that Agba benefitted from.

Yet, he said he couldn’t remember seeing Agba on more than two occasions, first at a visit when the Oba complained about the flood in Benin, and at the expiration of Agba’s tenure as Minister.

Omo N’Oba declared: “I will keep certain things from the public domain. However, I am constrained to talk about them.

“We interacted once in a while. It is true that my intervention to former President Buhari made you benefit from the office you held. We thank God for that.

“But I was also wondering about many things, as you were a beneficiary of that office, Budget and Planning.

“I was wondering if any of our people was also a beneficiary from your office! I am stating that they should thank you if anyone benefited from your being in the office.”

Though he put Agba on the spot, saying he performed “below expectation,” Oba Ewuare’s posers were also directed at leaders with Agba’s kind of opportunity.

He advised all Edo indigenes to use their “good offices” to attract development to the entire state, and to better the lots of the people.

An obviously dumbstruck Agba couldn’t answer the pointed questions, or didn’t want to, to avoid countering the revered Monarch. Either way, it wasn’t  a sign of good omen for Agba!

Agba’s at the Palace to thank Oba Ewuare for his intervention that landed him cabinet appointment in 2019.

He’s also to brief the Oba on his stewardship, and efforts made to ensure the Benin Royal Museum – a project the Oba’s very passionate about – got an allocation from the Federal Government.

Agba began from the national level: “I have come here with some of my friends and brothers, to thank His Royal Majesty, for his love for Edo State and your love for this country, Nigeria.

“You will recall that after the elections, a lot of people thought that the country would go on fire; but His Royal Majesty continued to organize prayers to ensure that there is peace in our country, Nigeria.

“So… I thought it worthy of commendation that His Royal Majesty should be thanked for the prayers you offered to God and our ancestors.”

On the homefront, Agba said: “You will recall that in 2016, Edo State had one Minister in the cabinet of immediate past President of Nigeria, but in 2019, His Majesty wrote to the then Mr President to consider and let Edo have two Ministers.

“I became a beneficiary of that prayer, and I happen to have become the first Minister from Edo North since 1999. I have come to His Majesty for that privilege of his prayers to Mr President, for which I am a beneficiary.

“So, having done my job for three and half years and I completed it; I thought it wise to come back to His Majesty and thank you for your prayers; for your support and the advice that throughout the three and half years, I was a Minister… So, I am indeed very grateful to His Majesty.”

Agba took Oba Ewuare’s seeming rebuke with calmness, but some busybodies felt the Oba’s less charitable chiding Agba publicly, and denounced the Monarch.

But Agba issued a disclaimer and a cease-and-desist to the media warriors, as they weren’t known to him, nor fighting on his behalf.

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