10-Year-Old Boy Arrested For Armed Robbery, Confesses To Killing Two People In Edo [Video]

February 17, 2021

A 10-year-old boy identified as Monday Omoruye, has been arrested by security operatives for armed robbery and his involvement in crime activities in Edo State.

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In a viral video, Omoruye confessed that he was introduced to robbery by his brother and that he had carried out four robbery operations so far in Sapele.

The boy revealed that he got his weapons during the 2020 #EndSARS protests, after his brother broke into Oba market police station along with some of their friends.

Speaking further, Omoruye said his brother taught him how to shoot a pistol and so far he had killed two people during the course of robbery.

“My name is Monday Omoruye. My father, Odiom, stays at Aro Junction. My mummy stays elsewhere while I stay at Ringroad,” the boy said.

“I am here because of the phone matter. One of my friends, someone came to buy a chain from him, N10, 000, he gave him N8, 000. We said we should go and get the N2, 000, we held him that he won’t go unless he pays the complete money.

“There’s one guy, I don’t know if he was drunk, he gave us a phone, we returned it. He told the other guy he wants to sleep, we told him not to allow him sleep because that one will steal everything, money and phone, the guy didn’t listen.

“When it was daybreak, I said don’t give him your phone but he didn’t listen, the other guy told him he wanted to download lots of music but ran away so we were looking for him, the owner of the phone said if he doesn’t see him, he will hold me, that was why he held me, called vigilante for me.

When asked where he got his weapons from, he said: “My brother has two police guns that he collected from the police station at Urban market during #EndSARS protest.

“I can operate a small pistol, my brother taught me and he keeps them all. I have followed them to four robbery operations in Sapele, Siluko Road, Sakpoba. We have killed 2 people, one at Siluko Road, the other at Igan Market. I don’t know the names of those people we killed. When we finish robbing, we go to the cartel.

“If you want to see my brother, go in the morning and around 8pm, you will see him,” he added.

Watch the video below:

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KanyiDaily had also reported how the police arrested an 18-year-old suspected rapist, Mizanbilu Yusuf, for molesting about six small girls “to cool off tension”.

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