Pornhub Makes Premium Content Free For People In Italy To Help Government Fight Coronavirus

March 13, 2020

Coronavirus has hit Italy so hard that the government announced a nationwide quarantine — and Pornhub wants to keep citizens from leaving their houses by giving them access to watch premium content, entirely free of charge for one month.

According to Daily Mail, Pornhub offered free access to its premium service to people who live in Italy until April 3, 2020.

This is after the European country implemented a nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak

In a press release on Thursday, the porn company said that it would also donate the proceeds from its Modelhub platform to help Italy in combating coronavirus.

The announcement reads: “Forza Italia, We love you! PornHub has decided to donate its percentage revenue from ModelHub platform from March to help Italy during the outbreak.

“To help you during these weeks at home, for the whole months you can access PornHub Premium free of charge, with no need of using your credit card,” Pornhub added.

Italy currently has a high death rate for the dreaded virus. The death toll has risen to 197 after the largest daily increase in fatalities there since the outbreak began.

Government oficials said 49 people had died in 24 hours, while more than 4,600 cases have been reported in total in the country.

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