Governor Ayade Denies Arresting A Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Titus Armon In Cross Rivers

November 2, 2020

Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade, has denied reports circulating the social media that he masterminded the arrest of a Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Titus Armon.

Governor Ayade Denies Arresting A Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr. Titus Armon In Cross Rivers 1

A statement issued by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Christian Ita, said the governor only became aware of Fr. Armon’s arrest after a visit by four priests to plead for his release on the morning of Friday October 30, 2020.

“A lie remains a lie no matter who is telling it. The report making the rounds on the social media linking the state governor to the arrest of a Catholic priest of the Ogoja Diocese, Rev. Fr. Titus Armon, by the Nigerian Army, is a lie from the pit of hell.

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“If Igbos Wants To Be President, Then They Must Belong” – Buhari’s Associate, Isa Funtua

“First, the brother of the priest, a supposed critic of the Ayade administration, is someone that is not known to government. As such, his criticisms of the administration have gone unnoticed by government.

“Second, Ayade only became aware of the arrest of the priest after a visit by four priests on the morning of Friday October 30, 2020 to plead for his release. They are Frs. Vincent Undie, Malachy Ephraim, Bob Etta and Julius Adah.”

KanyiDaily had also reported how Governor Ayade dismissed the suggestion that he is behind the detention of Agba Jalingo, a journalist who accused him of diverting N500 million belonging to the state.

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