Bandits Demand N900k From Zamfara Farmers Before They Can Harvest Their Farm Produce

November 12, 2020

Bandits are reportedly demanding “Harvest Fees” from farmers before they can be allowed to harvest their farm produce in Zamfara State.

Bandits Demand N900k From Zamfara Farmers Before They Can Harvest Their Farm Produce 1

According to BBC Hausa, Zamfara farmers were forced to pay bandits sum money to allow them access to their farms at the beginning of the planting season this year.

Now that it’s time to harvest their crops, the bandits are once again demanding as much as N900,000 from farmers in certain villages before they will be allowed to harvest.

It was gathered that the money is negotiable to a minimum of N300,000 depending on the farm size. And if a farmer refuses to pay the said money, the bandits will burn his farm.

Northern youths have taken to social media to complain about this while explaining that this is one of the reasons for the expensive cost of foodstuff in the markets.

Below are some of the comments on Twitter.

Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed surprise at the level of insecurity in the North-west and other parts of the country, promising tougher measures against bandits and Boko Haram that had made life difficult for Nigerians.

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