“259 In Lagos, 76 In Oyo” – Nigeria Confirms 684 New Coronavirus Cases As Total Hits 23,298

June 27, 2020

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed 684 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of infection in the country to 23,298.

The NCDC made the announcement on Friday night via its Twitter handle, where it confirmed the new cases in 18 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

“On the 26th of June 2020, 684 new confirmed cases and 5 deaths were recorded in Nigeria. No new state has reported a case in the last 24 hours.

“The 684 new cases are reported from 19 states- Lagos(259),Oyo(76), Katsina(69), Delta(66), Rivers(46), Ogun(23), Edo(22), Osun(22), Ebonyi(21), FCT(20), Kaduna(16), Ondo(10), Imo(9), Abia(9), Gombe(5), Plateau(4), Bauchi(4), Ekiti(2), Anambra(1).

“Till date, 23298 cases have been confirmed, 8253 cases have been discharged and 554 deaths have been recorded in 35 states and the Federal Capital Territory,” NCDC said.

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See the breakdown of cases by state below;

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