Search Site: OnlineNigeria


Posted by BEN MWOL on 10/17/2013 2:25:28 PM |

Written by: BEN MWOL

An old man hung on puny strength by veranda
Watched a group of lads thrown in their ecstasy on the sand
Node, shrugged and hissed;
The child does not know what he has;
A young legs to leap on hills and hurdles race.
Young eyes yearning to see beyond the horizon--
Hence,without fear he roams.
A spotless face blazing in beauty
That lacks pride in it .
Also, he has got a young mind never ready
To mine the gold , so still sleep
Like the earth were a rosebud, not yet
Opened for existence,
But held him in her shell
Until the milk mind change.
Now, look art me
Just sans everything.

The child upon hearing the old mans
Sound of thought lament;
The old man does not know what he has;
Very wide in wit,wise in wisdom
Seeing tomorrow that are shiver
Unto my marrow
Oblivion to tendencies of crime
My ego wouldn't care to leave.
He also have toured the merry-go-round
Of life for which i must priced
With many days of sleeping
Waking and going back and up again
Like a character in a drama.
Now look at me,
Just thirsty for everything's sake.