Search Site: OnlineNigeria


Posted by Omovigho Bevelyn Oberia on 11/15/2005 7:35:24 AM |

Written by: Omovigho Bevelyn Oberia

If I put a long time memory into a paper

it will last for life time

But it takes just a bit of carelessness to loose it all


If I save a copy of my well written poem

before sending it to the net, I will not have

the fear someone else might rewrite it under

His copywrite

But it take just a bit of carelessness to see someone else

Sing my poem as his own hard work


If I write out an event before puting it into practice

I will not loose any bit

But it takes just a bit of carelessness to have a disorganized event


If I am a bit careful about my safety I will not say

there’s a witch in my family

But it takes just a bit of carelessness to loose my life stupidly


If I am a bit careful about telling people all I’ve got

and what am planning to do, I might not loose my treasure

But it takes a just bit of carelessness to loose a life time treasure