Search Site: OnlineNigeria

she can be revived

Posted by essence on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 |

Written by: essence

Nigeria, our fatherland,

Like I've always read, 

Ancient and great land,

A place I call home,

Where many refers to as their own,

Africa's most populous country,

With less chance of unity&stability,

Forty-eight million estimated as her population,

Dwelling with her uncertain situation,

I read about these and start to cry,

When will she attain victory,

What pity we've brought upon ourselves,

Many wonder is she survived,

Many hope she will be revived ,

To me she is unique,

But some never thought of her physique,

A nation with two hundred and fifty tribal groups,

But her strength is like the loops,

Some asked if she'll remain a single entity,

While we've overlooked her ability,

All we need to do is to shoe affection,

Reach an agreement on a new basis for association,

Then we will overcome hatred,

Peace will reign in her kindred,

Days of hunger will be forgotten,

And she'll leave the land of the forgotten,

War will be far from us,

Then peace will abide with us.

God bless Nigeria.