Posted by Abyodun Bobby-Olawale on
When I said that; someone might be thinking astray:
like clowns, festivals, clothings, masquerades.
If it is ambiguous; then it could be hard to array:
It is a big mix-up that is seeking for accolades.
Much has been displayed for us to interpret:
distortion of opinions to convey irrational eisegesis.
It has been long our culture been thrown in the pit;
and all efforts to dig it out is like a pretty parenthesis.
Cuture here, means: a highly developed state of perfection;
or all the knowledge and values shared by a society.
As a nation, Grassroots Poverty is our biggest reflection;
we value selfishness and others' plights is of less priority.
We bought the truth and we naively sold it out;
now it is a blaring voice seeking for redemption.
Up there, they are too deaf to hear us spit it out;
probably we need to cut heads for the resumption.
Every single day, katzenjammer is sprouting gradually;
that shouldn't be, all we need is God's intervention.
A good citizen will always pray for their countries actually;
"God bless Nigeria!": that has always been my interjection.
At la VOGUE Expression we so much believe in passion;
and that is why every single person counts in our version.
That everyone should be prosperous is our fashion;
and we believe Nigeria will be great as a nation, our action