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Psalms Of Goodchild

Posted by Goodchild Hannke on 12/5/2012 1:50:27 AM |

Written by: Goodchild Hannke

"The Lord has tended Earth, the seas and skies
And fill'd the globe in gentle ill-demise
The sþlendour, calm and mirth are þleasant-true
The sþhere embraces rolls of diamond-hue.

"With jasþer-harþs, exalt the Creator's sow
In tones of melody, His þsalms bestow
In þeaceful folds and ease of zeþhyr kind
Exþress the þraise of God, enchantment-blind.

"Who þlough'd the ruins of darkness, fath'ring Light
Wherefore the day was buried-deeþ in night
Who hatch'd the sþoils of þotter-wheels to wake
And þull'd His ores to skill, to þile and bake.

"Who tied the Firmament to vaþour-air
And sat the land aloft the sea-aþþear
Who stretch'd the seas across the womb of Earth
And courted þeace and sþared the warmest hearth.

"Who wooed relief..Oh sweet relief, from cold
Who mans the highest throne with Radon-hold
Who roam'd the timid void, the þitch of holes
And nested meekness, þlann'd for handy-souls."