Search Site: OnlineNigeria

Rose of eden(for my love)

Posted by Alexandra on 6/17/2012 10:54:55 AM |

Written by: Alexandra

Title: Rose of Eden
By: Arthur Alexandra Apeh Ojima

Oh! Princess!
What an extra-ordinary name
With fabulous surface
Oh! Daffodil can tell better.

Hey prince
What do you see?
Immortal beauty of a dove
Dove! Dove!! Oh! Dove!!!

Oh! Perfect oha!
Why do I love everything about thee?
But I have met edikaikong from South Africa with beauty all over,
And Editan from India

Oh perfect oha!
Even Atama from calaba,
White soup from Jerusalem and
Afang from Jos!
And still, you are unforgettable.

Oh! Oh!! Oh!!! Miss planet!
What? Who?? And where??? Will I compare thee with?

Oh! Disciple of love
Is it pacific ocean
Which I can drink the whole a minute call?

How special is Bill gate, Bill Clinton,
Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Good luck Jonathan,
Obama or your colleague Queen Elizabeth???
To compare thee with? Oh! I can’t.

Oh! Rose of Eden!
I will set room 101 for thee!
Manchester for your honey moon!
Chelsea for your bachelor Eve and
Our kingdom shall be as big as paradise.

Oh! Virgin Mary!
I also wait patiently for thee