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SOGAL (A city in Reverse)

Posted by Felix Uti on 5/23/2012 2:25:59 PM |

Written by: Felix Uti

This city is mean
With a look so meek
Where its Arteries run in reverse
Its slogan ‘ things will go worse'
Excellence thrown to dust

A city where nothing is constant
Where the good means bad
And bad means good
Where Peace means weary
Where war means merry
Where tenants eat landlords

A city civilized.
A tradition trivialized
Whose export is trauma
A youth watched to decay
Whose parents celebrate touting
Where leaders are asleep
Where the ruled are active
Where crime eats the law
Where the ruler is the ruled
A city in reverse

Its leaders show dynamism
Dynamism unsustainable
To think metals flow today
Eureka rents the air
Then tomorrow greed breeds pain

The leaders representatives fart

Insanity increases corruption Erupts
The city bubbles Robbers rumble
The law fumbles the mouths listen
The eyes speak flowing pens dry up
And the story ends only to commence at dawn
For this is a city that never sleeps,a city in reverse
This is SOGAL