Posted by Faeo 'Lyre' Clive on
Share the soul, so they are spelt
aiming like firewood serves to melt
share its life, in emblems shall warrants
Permitting, corridors of grants
Albeit a likelihood of aeon to fetch
not upon split-second further, it wretch
as might like others sprout interalia
whirling proudly packaged to eyeing fear
Samson degraded monster, art thought
and Jacob stood unknown wight fought
Nonetheless, so rivers can be blowing
whereat sightless tyros dives drowning
That for, entails its soul shared
flesh nurtured for limits barred
its boredom bored and hedonisms played
that is the soul shared and laid
Hither to alcheringa were one. Aye! It was
for this The Demi-urge pleaded. Thus,
'meld as meant, take not my will undone'
Thus in its sourness, heed sacrifices upon
Thence, head up by the soul of life
that for were breaths let to thrive
through its politesse, live thus. Although
surging into the soul, letting not go.