Supplies; the woman; a deficiency in man
Weakness of female sex; the man complements
Come then the two to a perfect union
In the mysterious Divine arithmetic
One and one that sum up to one.
Their child; their mirror; their pseudo-portrait
Traits of both subsumed in one
In fulfillment to the arithmetic so Divine
Their child; their unity in diversity
Though; not all the union’s essence.
Originated from the Eden; in the Garden
Adam sought for qualities and found none
A futile search in other creations
Until Eve arrived with the qualities
˜My bone; my flesh” he greeted.
God made them male and female
What God joins; put no asunder
Marriage is Divine ordained
Gift from God of Love and Procreation
Procreation; only but a fruit of love.
Thy bone and thy flesh have qualities
Then; thou shall not search for quantities
Beauty, shape, colour are quantities that fade away
Understanding, love, care are qualities that remain ever
And when involved; nothing puts asunder.