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Onovo, now acting IGP as Yar'Adua drops Ehindero

Posted by From UBONG UKPONG, Abuja on 2007/06/01 | Views: 607 |

Onovo, now acting IGP as Yar'Adua drops Ehindero

President Umar Yar'Adua has fired the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Sunday Ehindero, less than twenty four hours after he was granted a two-month tenure extension. Consequently, he has handed over to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mr. Ogbonnaya Onovo as the acting Inspector General, as directed by the president.

President Umar Yar'Adua has fired the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Sunday Ehindero, less than twenty four hours after he was granted a two-month tenure extension. Consequently, he has handed over to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mr. Ogbonnaya Onovo as the acting Inspector General, as directed by the president.

Onovo, is currently the most senior in the police force and until yesterday in charge of Administration at the Force Headquarters.

Reports had it that the president had on request of Ehindero, extended his tenure by two months but suddenly changed his mind and asked him to go.
The president was said to have directed the former I.G to hand over to the most senior among the DIG with immediate effect.

Yesterday, the former I.G went into marathon meeting with the new helmsman ostensibly to brief him on the situation of things.

Though, Ehindero was billed to pull out officially on Friday but has to obey the presidential directive and was moving out his files and other documents from the office as at press time.

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