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I'm ready to beg Oshiomhole -Osunbor

Posted by By UCHE USIM on 2007/05/18 | Views: 606 |

I'm ready to beg Oshiomhole -Osunbor

As Edo State Action Congress (AC) Governorship candidate, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole warms up for the tribunal to restore what he described as a stolen mandate, the Governor-elect, Prof. Osariemen Osunbor has declared that his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and other members of his cabinet are ready and willing to beg Oshiomhole to sheathe his sword and team up with him, if that is all it takes to ensure that peace reigns in the state.

As Edo State Action Congress (AC) Governorship candidate, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole warms up for the tribunal to restore what he described as a stolen mandate, the Governor-elect, Prof. Osariemen Osunbor has declared that his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and other members of his cabinet are ready and willing to beg Oshiomhole to sheathe his sword and team up with him, if that is all it takes to ensure that peace reigns in the state.

Prof. Osunbor also attributed the crisis that rocked the state during the governorship elections to the handiwork of the PDP's main opposition in the state, the AC, saying that the latter benefitted from the violence, though it did not fetch it the desired victory.

Briefing aviation journalists at a forum in Lagos on Thursday, Prof. Osunbor said his regime was prepared to work with all genuine progressives, who are determined to place the electorates' interest far above personal desires.

The governor-elect also revealed that all the obas, high chiefs, political party chairmen and other top politicians in the state have sent him congratulatory messages and expressed their willingness to give him full support, except for Adams Oshiomhole. 'So we'll beg him if that is what it takes to extend an olive branch to him. We'll beg him for the state's interest so that he'll lay down his arms and join to rebuild Edo State. We want peace to reign in the state so that what we plan to do could be sustained," he said. Osunbor also said that news from the opposition that Oshiomhole won the elections was total falsehood as the party lacked the credibility needed to win two-thirds of the state as was the case in PDP's case.
He further noted that what confronts the state presently are various projects that need to be executed for the citizens to enjoy the dividends of democracy.

On the violence that rocked the state during the gubernatorial elections, Osunbor said the areas that witnessed violence were areas won by AC, revealing that his running mate Lucky Imasuen, was held hostage throughout the duration of the voting by the opposition.

'Same thing happened to Bob Izua. Thugs burnt many of his vehicles and those of his associates. Indeed all the people killed in Edo politics were PDP members. Where PDP won, there was no violence. In fact, as I speak now, many of my billbords have been pulled down including some in my home town. But those of Oshiomhole are still intact. PDP had to win because 24 members of the state House of Assembly are all PDP members. More so, 190 out of the 192 councillors are also PDP members. So it was clear from the results that PDP was the party on ground with solid structures.

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