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I'll be around on May 29 - Dariye

Posted by By GABRIEL DIKE on 2007/05/18 | Views: 605 |

I'll be around on May 29 - Dariye

Plateau State Governor, Joshua Dariye has said that he would hand-over to the new governor-elect, Air Commodore Jonah Jang (rtd) dismissing speculation that he would leave the state before May 29.

Plateau State Governor, Joshua Dariye has said that he would hand-over to the new governor-elect, Air Commodore Jonah Jang (rtd) dismissing speculation that he would leave the state before May 29.

Dariye, who spoke on television programme monitored in Lagos also maintained that he was never arrested in London nor was he detained by the police, insisting that he was only invited and asked to report back later.

The out-going governor who refused to comment on (EFCC)'s threat to arrest him after May 29 said: 'I will hand over to the governor-elect, I will not run away, where will I run to? This is my state. By the grace of God, I will be around to hand-over.

Dariye insisted he was not arrested in London for an offence but admitted that the police came to his house and invited him to the station after which he was asked to report back another day.
'I wasn't arrested in London, I went on the invitation of the police, which equally released my international passport to me. I wasn't also on bail as speculated, if I was on bail, who stood surety for me? he queried.

Dariye advised politicans who lost out in the general elections to take the case to the tribunals, which he said are made up of judges with integrity and track records and refused to comment on elections in Plateau State, insisting he was not around during the polls.

He refused to answer some questions such as those that bother on EFCC, ICPC, INEC, conduct of the 2007 general elections, the Obasanjo/Atiku face-off and the on-going crisis in the state, saying some of the issues raised are still in the court.

On what he would do after retirement, the governor said that 'when I leave office, I will take a rest and in my retirement, I will reflect on my eight years administration. I will contribute to the new government and continue with my normal life in Plateau State.

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