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MEND orders foreign oil workers to vacate Ijaw territory

Posted by By Emma Amaize on 2007/05/07 | Views: 597 |

MEND orders foreign oil workers to vacate Ijaw territory

MOVEMENT for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), has issued a fresh order on foreign oil workes and their Nigerian counterparts working with multinational oil companies in the Ijaw territory to vacate the area immediately or have themselves to blame, saying that the time it gave the Federal Government to dialouge with the Ijaw nation on the Niger-Delta problem had expired.

WARRI - MOVEMENT for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), has issued a fresh order on foreign oil workes and their Nigerian counterparts working with multinational oil companies in the Ijaw territory to vacate the area immediately or have themselves to blame, saying that the time it gave the Federal Government to dialouge with the Ijaw nation on the Niger-Delta problem had expired.

MEND warned that this time, it would strike mercilessly, stressing: 'The joke is over. We have no option than to take our destiny in our very hands and liberate ourselves by any means necessary. May Egbesu guide us and strengthened our resolve. We call on all Ijaw at home and in Diaspora to be on the red alert to the unfolding dimension of the struggle".

In a statement signed by two of its top leaders: Tamuno Godswill and Oyinye Alaebi , the group said after re-appraising the sufferings of the Ijaws in the Nigerian project, particularly under the Obasanjo government in the past eight years, it was clear that they must take some drastic actions before things go out of hand, pointing out that the people would not be deceived with the emergence of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan from the South-South as Vice President.

Copies of the statement were sent to the Secretary-General, United Nations, President, European Union, President of the United States, George Bush, Mr. Tony Blair,Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Mr. Jacques Chirac, President of France, Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany .

It reads in part: ' All foreign and local national working with multinational oil companies and their contractor should vacate the Ijaw territory immediately. All foreign embassies should withdraw their nationals from our homelands. NUPENG and PENGASSAN should call back their staff from our territory. MEND assures that nothing can protect them and they will not stand the 'heat". No more hostages taking. Any national caught shall be summarily dealt with".

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