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Obasanjo's attacks on me unfair - Fayose

Posted by From Sun News Publishing on 2007/03/13 | Views: 623 |

Obasanjo's attacks on me unfair - Fayose

The suspended governor of Ekiti State, Mr Ayo Fayose, on Monday, responded to the verbal attacks hurled at him and his administration by President Olusegun Obasanjo at the People's Democratic Party (PDP) campaign rally in Ado-Ekiti last weekend, describing it as unfair.

The suspended governor of Ekiti State, Mr Ayo Fayose, on Monday, responded to the verbal attacks hurled at him and his administration by President Olusegun Obasanjo at the People's Democratic Party (PDP) campaign rally in Ado-Ekiti last weekend, describing it as unfair.

Fayose, in a press statement in Ado-Ekiti, said Obasanjo should apologize to the people of Ekiti for not doing anything for them in the last eight years rather than resorting to verbal attacks on his person.

He said the President's vituperations should be regarded as 'mere theatrics of the soapbox, absolutely intended to pave the way for his (Obasanjo's) candidate," at the April polls.
Fayose described himself as a victim of political intrigues both in Ekiti State and in Nigeria , all because, according to him, he refused to resign from office for what he did not do.

'As much as I know, there was nothing I did in Ekiti without the consent of President Obasanjo. And specifically, on the poultry project and the political situation in Ekiti State , I as the governor know the truth and Mr President also knows the truth about the political horse-trading that led to my present travails.

'My stewardship as governor of Ekiti State became the subject of scathing attacks last weekend at the PDP campaign rally in Ekiti State . I accept all the abrasions as the price of leadership but I am resolute in my conviction that posterity will vindicate the just, in the circumstance, no matter the vicissitudes of the moment, he said."

He recalled that no fewer than 35 major projects executed by his administration were commissioned by the President during his two official visits to the state in April 2005 and May 2006, stressing that 'during each of the visits, the President openly commended my stewardship in the presence of millions of appreciative Ekiti people who have expressed that the level of socio-economic transformation that occurred during my tenure shall remain a reference point in Ekiti State."
Fayose also stated that at the point of his suspension from office in October last year, he left a whooping N5.5 billion in government treasury after he had paid N1.4 billion as the state's equity share in the consolidation of Wema Bank Nigeria Plc.

This, he said, was in addition to another N3 billion (reimbursable expenditure promised by the Federal Government) expended on the dualisation of Ikere-Ado-Ekiti expressway.
'These are veritable attestations to my prudence and efficient management of the resources of Ekiti State which earns the least allocation from the Federation Account.

'Suffice for me to restate that I did not steal or mismanage the resources of Ekiti State during my trusteeship as I have expressed to Mr. President on several occasions. Definitely, I couldn't have pleased everyone just as the abundance of criticisms that had continued to trail President Obasanjo's eight-year government may not be sufficient for the verdict of misrule or kleptocracy.
'President Obasanjo demonstrated ample confidence in my ability by appointing me the Chairman of the Governors' Forum which was to recommend a suitable candidate to fly the PDP flag in the next presidential election. What then went wrong?"

He said the report of the EFCC against his government which was masterminded by members of a cabal who were uncomfortable with him and which formed the bedrock of political macabre dance that led to his suspension from office is before the courts for resolution, saying therefore that it would just be appropriate to exercise restraints and await the verdict of the courts, the only competent authority to exonerate or pronounce guilt.

'It is settled with the dynamics of history that nothing lasts forever. I have done my best to move Ekiti State forward and I accept the verdict of history. I however urge Ekiti people to be vigilant as the April polls draw near so that the next governor does not become their 'another mistake". We should vote for the best candidate when the time comes. Afterall, Ekiti state belongs to us all", Fayose concluded.

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