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Kalu apologises for Obasanjo's misdeeds

Posted by Kalu apologises for Obasanjo's misdeeds on 2007/02/21 | Views: 596 |

Kalu apologises for Obasanjo's misdeeds

Governor Orji Uzor Kalu of Abia State has apologised to Nigerians for what he calls "President Olusegun Obasanjo's misdeeds," and offered to remedy the situation if voted into office as president in May, this year.

Governor Orji Uzor Kalu of Abia State has apologised to Nigerians for what he calls "President Olusegun Obasanjo's misdeeds," and offered to remedy the situation if voted into office as president in May, this year.

In a statement issued Tuesday, entitled ‘Our nation is in dire straits,' Kalu equally challenged President Obasanjo and Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to publicly declare their assets.

The Abia governor and presidential candidate of the Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA) stressed that any attempt to stop him from contesting this year's election will fail, "as we are ready to defend our right."

Below is full text of the statement:
I have followed diligently the events of the past two months, particularly the reckless utterances of the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, and his veiled effort to smear my integrity and scuttle my ambition to contest for the office of President in 2007.

Having critically and carefully studied these recent unfortunate developments and the far-reaching impact on our nation's political life, I have decided to make the following submissions with the highest sense of responsibility in the interest of peace and continued survival of our nascent democracy and to defend my hard-earned integrity, which the hawks in our nation have toiled in vein to smear.

• I am disappointed and saddened by the unbridled way Nuhu Ribadu has discharged his assignment as the chairman of EFCC. He has shown crass disdain and disrespect for the rule of law and constitutionality. In many circumstances he has arrogantly disobeyed court orders and carried himself as if he were God. I wonder why he should sacrifice his character and training as a lawyer to pander to whims and caprices of one man.

• I have carried out my responsibilities as the Governor of Abia State with utmost diligence, fear of God, transparency and good conscience. I have never done anything whatsoever to deserve the smear campaign against me by the EFCC and the presidency.

• I challenge Nuhu Ribadu to publish for public consumption any evidence at the disposal of his commission showing any act of mismanagement of public funds involving me in the administration of Abia State Government funds. I also challenge him to show me a single project that President Olusegun Obasanjo started and completed since he came into office on May 29, 1999.

• I state without fear of contradiction that President Olusegun Obasanjo's administration is an unmitigated disaster, and has unleashed terror and mayhem on the people of Nigeria instead of peace, progress and stability. This situation calls to question the integrity of his administration.

Nigerians are worse off today than they were when President Obasanjo assumed office seven and half years ago. What the nation has witnessed today is a harvest of deaths caused by hunger, poverty, and politically-motivated killings. What happened at Odi and Zakibiam, despoliation of the Niger Delta, and death of Chief A.K Dikibo, Chief Bola Ige and Chief Harry Marshal, amongst others are visible cases of arrogance, insensibility and abuse of office by persons charged with the responsibility of protecting life and property.

• I wish to ask: "What has happened to billions of naira budgeted by the Obasanjo administration for electricity, roads, food production, and security since 1999?". If these billions of naira had been judiciously used there would not have been the increasing incidents of robbery, poverty, road accidents and assassination across the country.

• President Obasanjo has shown disdain for Nigerians more than any past Nigerian leader. His recent outbursts that the 2007 elections would be a do-or-die affair and that he would set the EFCC after Olusegun Mimiko (Labour Party governorship candidate for Ondo State) were not only uncharitable but a demonstration of desperation.

• Sadly, the Federal Government under President Obasanjo has thrived on falsehood over the years and is ready to deal with anybody who would dare expose its ineptitude and tissues of lies. Let me ask: Who owns Bells University. We are told that President Obasanjo had only N20,000 in his account in 1999. Where did he get the money to build this gigantic university and many other juicy edifices linked to him? The present harassment of perceived political opponents like me is a calculated design to emasculate and silence all of us. But God forbid!
• I take absolute responsibility for all actions that the Abia State government has taken since we assumed office on May 29, 1999 till date, and reaffirm my innocence over every allegation levelled against me by the EFCC and any other such body, for that matter.

• I use this opportunity to reaffirm my commitment to my desire to contest for the office of President of Nigeria this year. I am not distracted in any way by all that had happened because I know that nothing good comes easy. My support base traverses every nook and cranny of this country. At present my presidential project enjoys massive following from Northern and Eastern Christian Coalitions, Sheiks, Ulamas, Ohaneze Ndigbo, World Igbo Congress, Traders Associations and all Nigerians who crave for peaceful change.

• Since I declared my assets in 1999 and 2003 respectively and Nuhu Ribadu has access to them, I hereby challenge him to publish his and President Obasanjo's assets declaration forms for the public to judge who is corrupt. In fact, I know everything about Nuhu Ribadu's assets. I will tell him what he has at the appropriate time. We have seen his ilk before and he will go their way too.

• Any attempt to stop me from contesting the 2007 presidential election will fail as we are ready to defend our right. Such an attempt will amount to an affront on the collective psyche of Ndigbo. Nothing can stop me from contesting the election as I represent the single largest ethnic group in Nigeria. It is regrettable that each time an Igbo man wants to be president some persons will attempt to scuttle it. But they will fail this time round.

• I warn Ribadu to desist from his wicked designs to destroy my businesses which I founded ever before he became a commissioned officer. Everything I have made in life can be accounted for.
• I have served this great nation in different capacities and have never been found wanting. I was the Chairman, Borno Water Board at 25, the youngest Bank Chairman (of Cooperative and Commerce Bank, CCB) at 27, Chairman, Imo Marketing Company at 29, Member of the National Sports Commission, Member of the House of Representatives, and now a two-term Governor. In all of these positions I have served transparently and accountably.

• I am ready to waive my immunity to appear before any court of competent jurisdiction to defend myself of all the allegations levelled against me by the EFCC.

• I challenge Nuhu Ribadu and his cohorts to have the courage to do so or forever remain silent.
• I apologize to Nigerians for Obasanjo's misdeeds and offer to remedy the situation if voted into office as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in May 2007.
• My tenure as President will mark a new era for Nigerians. Visit our website and see our plans for Nigeria..

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