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Posted by By TUNDE RAHEEM, Akure on 2007/01/25 | Views: 591 |


Hell was let loose at Iyere town, an Owo suburb of Ondo State as some irate youths recently went wild.

Hell was let loose at Iyere town, an Owo suburb of Ondo State as some irate youths recently went wild. They not only set a building and other properties of one chief ( name withheld) ablaze but also banished him and his family from the town over what they called unholy behaviours.

The chief, an indigene of Iyere town, was said to have been having running battle with some people over a piece of land and other related matters.

He was accused of being the brain behind some troubles related to land disputes in the town, which the youths said had claimed some lives of innocent people. Also, he was accused of acquiring some land illegally.

Trouble, however, started for the chief when he allegedly instructed his children to clear a large portion of land, which was earmarked by the town for an ultra-modern palace for the traditional ruler.
It was gathered that the traditional ruler's representative had ordered the chief's children to stop work on the land, they not only refused but also insulted the ruler.

Some youths, who were aggrieved by the conduct of the chief's children were said to have held meetings and resolved to deal with the man. They had marched on the man's compound and set his building ablaze. The chief and members of his family could have been killed had they not escaped through the bush behind the compound.

After destroying the property, the youths danced round singing war songs. They also invaded the chief's farm and destroyed it, before declaring him banished. They threatened to deal with him or any member of his family who sets his foot in the village.
All efforts to trace the chief did not yield positive result as he and his children had fled the town

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