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Posted by By SAM ANOKAM and FEMI SALAWU on 2006/11/25 | Views: 656 |


For 22 years, says Victory Agamu, she has lived as spiritual slave of, and being tormented by, Olumba Olumba Obu, founder of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. And to make matters worse, she has gone to the end of the world in search of another man or woman of God who can set her free from this seeming spellbind but has met with no luck. Now, she says, she is beginning to believe that Olumba Olumba is indeed, God.

•This lady says her spirit has been imprisoned by Olumba Olumba and that all men of God have failed to free her

For 22 years, says Victory Agamu, she has lived as spiritual slave of, and being tormented by, Olumba Olumba Obu, founder of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. And to make matters worse, she has gone to the end of the world in search of another man or woman of God who can set her free from this seeming spellbind but has met with no luck. Now, she says, she is beginning to believe that Olumba Olumba is indeed, God.

According to Agamu, her trouble began ever since she joined the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, founded by the self acclaimed God O.O Obu. She was actually taken there by her parents, along with her eight siblings.
'The problem started when I was seven in the 1970s when my parents normally took me and my siblings to the local branch of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star at Akwa Ibom", Agamu recalled to Saturday Sun.

'I began to have some strange experiences where I regularly saw Olumba Olumba appear to me as a snake and wrap himself around me in the dream. Sometimes he would appear as a human being and I grew up with the torment and it began to affect me. I could no longer sleep. And because of this, I left the church in 1986 but still, the torment didn't stop."

Agamu said that she sought counsel from different men of God who joined her in her prayers and fasting as well as deliverance sessions but all came to nought as the torment has continued to this day.
At a point, she said she was forced to go and confront Olumba Olumba at his headquarters. But she could not get to see him, as a result of all the screenings ansd protocol one had to pass through before seeing the sectarian leader. She eventually gave up on that too.

When her case became hopeless, she was forced to return to the same sect. 'I had no choice than to rejoin the church three years later, with the hope that the nightmares will stop, but it didn't work. I stayed there till 1992 and when it appeared my problem was not getting any better, I left and began running from one man of God to another yet there has been no solution".
Agamu added: 'there have been no sleep for me since then and as you can see, I am ripe for marriage but each time I get engaged it doesn't work. To survive is very hard for me now and the situation has made me a total wreck."

Escape to Italy
At the height of the problem, Agamu had to run away from Nigeria. She appeared to have finally broken the bond when in 1999, she travelled - to Italy, but unknown to her, her problem is no respecter of distance. In Italy, she said, Olumba Olumba continued to haunt her. 'The problem followed me to Italy. The company where I worked folded up, my visa was not renewed and to survive became a problem till I was deported early this year. At the moment I survive through help from kind hearted Nigerians."

Each time she makes a move to do anything , according, to her Olumba will appear to her to tell her that she will not succeed and she never does. Even when she embarks on seeing men of God, she would be told that they will be manipulated by him and it always turns out so. He would boast to her that after the ministrations and deliverance, he will still appear to her and continue to torture her. It has always been the case.
Agamu told Saturday Sun that Olumba's son and some members of the brotherhood have appealed to him to leave her alone but he regfused. She also exposed some of the sordid happenings in the church where the leader is said to be the master of manipulations, manipulating members to do his biddings.

Challenge to men of God
With so much frustration in her tone and mien, Agamu throws a challenge to all men of God and well meaning Nigerians to come to her rescue. She said she is beginning to think that Olumba is stronger than every other man or woman of God in the land.

'I have been prayed for, laid hands on, fasted for and anointed with oil. Deliverance services have been conducted for me by notable men of God within and outside Nigeria - including Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Lazarus Mouka, Evangelist Helen Akpabio, Pastor Agboli and many others too numerous to mention and yet nothing has changed. Therefore I am challenging all the pastors that if I cannot be helped out of this situation then Olumba Olumba is God.

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