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I didn't take $170,000 from Uba - Loreta Mabinton

Posted by From GEOFFREY ANYANWU, Awka. on 2006/11/10 | Views: 680 |

I didn't take $170,000 from Uba - Loreta Mabinton

The lady involved in the controversy involving Mr. Andy Uba, former Special Assistant on Special Duties to President Olusegun Obasanjo, says she neither collected170,000 dollars from the latter nor engaged in smuggling money into the United States.

The lady involved in the controversy involving Mr. Andy Uba, former Special Assistant on Special Duties to President Olusegun Obasanjo, says she neither collected170,000 dollars from the latter nor engaged in smuggling money into the United States.

According to the lady, Loreta Mabinton, contrary to the allegation of the smuggling of currency into the United States, Mr Uba only gave her about 90,000 dollars in two installments to buy a car for her.

Speaking through her lawyers, Mr Chike Maduekwe, Mabinton alleged that the secret agent who investigated the case only filed a false affidavit against both herself and Mr Uba.
In a faxed copy of message she sent to her lawyers, Mabinton , who had a univeristy education in Nigeria said, 'Money laundering is a serious criminal offense in the United States and persons convicted of money laundering go to jail.

'A thorough review of the District Court Files fails to reveal a criminal indictment or even any allegation of money laundering against Loreta Mabinton or Andy Uba. What one finds is a civil proceeding between the United States and one Mercedes Benz which was resolved by a settlement agreement pursuant to which the Mercedes car was returned to the claimants.
'Recent press reports around the country regarding this matter have distorted and sensationalized the facts of this case for obvious political reasons.

'There was not, and has never been any allegation of money laundering filed against me, or to the best of my knowledge, against Andy Uba. I was involved in a civil matter with the government in the United States District Court in Oregon and reached a mutually satisfactory settlement with the government.
'I am not a politician, and have never been employed by the Nigerian government. No complaint has ever been filed against me or any criminal offence."

Part of the Settlement Agreement deposed to at the District Court of Oregon, read, 'the parties stipulate that the allegations in the complaint in this matter do not allege the funds described therein are from illegal source or were intended for an illegal purpose.

'The parties agree that the affidavit or Special Agent Kehoe, dated November 6, 2003 contains factual inaccuracy in paragraph 14. Paragraph 14 states that Ms Mabinton did not report all currency upon entering the United States on August 31 and October 26, 2003.

'Subsequent investigation determined that Ms Mabinton did properly declare all currency on those occasions. Claimants Uba and Mabinton deny they engaged in any unlawful conduct in connection with this matter, and specifically deny any involvement or participation in conspiracy to engage in bulk currency smuggling or any advance fee fraud scheme.

'All parties agree and stipulate that by entering into this settlement agreement, no party admits any civil or criminal liability or any kind."

The agreement was signed by Messrs Douglas Stringer, lawyer to Mabinton and Leslie Westphal, Assistant United States Attorney for plaintiff.

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