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Posted by The Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Speeches on 2006/10/04 | Views: 579 |


Following the abduction of four British oil workers, the Foreign Office amended its Travel Advice for Nigeria on Wednesday 4 October to recommend against all but essential travel to Akwa Ibom State.

Following the abduction of four British oil workers, the Foreign Office amended its Travel Advice for Nigeria on Wednesday 4 October to recommend against all but essential travel to Akwa Ibom State.

The relevant paragraph in the summary now reads:

'We advise against all travel to the Bakassi Peninsula and to the riverine areas of Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States. We also advise against all but essential travel to Akwa Ibom State and the rest of Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States. You should not travel to Rivers, Delta, Bayelsa or Akwa Ibom unless and until you have taken full, appropriate security advice and have assured that robust precautions are in place.

'In 2006 there has been an increase in crime and armed attacks against expatriates in the Niger Delta. There is currently a high risk of kidnapping in the Niger Delta. Expatriates are frequently taken hostage by armed militants. In six separate incidents 18 British nationals have been kidnapped between January and October 2006. There have also been several kidnappings of foreign nationals. In the latest incident on 3 October, four British nationals were amongst a group of foreigner oil workers who were abducted from a residential compound in Eket, Akwa Ibom State. We also continue to believe that armed groups may be planning further attacks on oil and gas facilities in the Niger Delta.'

Notes for Editors

The amendment to advise against all travel follows an amendment made earlier in the day to factually reflect that the incident in Akwa Ibom had taken place.

The previous advice read:

'We advise against all travel to the Bakassi Peninsula and to the riverine areas of Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States. We also advise against all but essential travel to the rest of Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States. You should not travel to Rivers, Delta or Bayelsa unless and until you have taken full, appropriate security advice and have assured that robust precautions are in place.

'In 2006 there has been an increase in crime and armed attacks against expatriates in the Niger Delta. There is currently a high risk of kidnapping in the Niger Delta. Expatriates are frequently taken hostage by armed militants. In six separate incidents 18 British nationals were kidnapped between January and October 2006. There have also been several further kidnappings of foreign nationals. In the latest incident on 3 October, four British nationals were amongst a group of foreign oil workers who were abducted from a residential compound in Eket, Akwa Ibom State. We also continue to believe that armed groups may be planning further attacks on oil and gas facilities in the Niger Delta.'

Full details of the revised travel advice for Nigeria are available on the Foreign Office website

FCO Travel Advice can also be obtained on the following telephone number: 0845 850 2829.

FCO Travel Advice is kept under constant review. This advice is based on our latest assessment of the situation in Nigeria.

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