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I didn't annul June 12, 1993 election, I only cancelled it - IBB

Posted by By KENNY ASHAKA, Kaduna on 2006/09/28 | Views: 621 |

I didn't annul June 12, 1993 election, I only cancelled it - IBB

Former military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, may have unwittingly stirred another controversy over the June 12, 1993 presidential elections with a declaration that he merely cancelled the elections, but did not annul it.

Former military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, may have unwittingly stirred another controversy over the June 12, 1993 presidential elections with a declaration that he merely cancelled the elections, but did not annul it.

Babangida, who said that the cancellation of the election was spurred by the prevailing circumstances at the time, however, did not give reason for the action. He spoke on the Hausa service of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) monitored in Kaduna.

Babangida admitted that the June 12 presidential poll was the freest, fairest and the best ever to be held in the history of the country, but said he had to cancel the result because of certain constraints.
'Elections were held and those of you in the media adjudged them as the freest, fairest and most peaceful elections in the chequered political history of the nation.

You (media) admitted it and the entire world also confirmed it. There was no crisis. There was no rigging whatsoever. It was the best election ever held in the country. It was something we have never had in the country during democracy," he said, adding, "But it was not annulled. It was rather cancelled. We gave the reasons. We told Nigerians that we cancelled the election because of the prevailing circumstances then."

He submitted that the cancellation of the election should not be a basis for his disqualification from the presidential contest in 2007, saying that participating in the election was his legitimate and constitutional right.
Babangida boasted that his regime performed meritoriously by developing the country, a feat he said should earn him another opportunity to lead the country again.

"My government performed meritoriously in the development of Nigeria and I possess the leadership qualities to rule the nation again, because Babangida has been there before; he has tremendous experience and knows what is obtained to lead a nation like Nigeria."
The former military president reiterated his ambition to contest the 2007 presidential poll, saying, "Insha Allahu, I will definitely contest on the platform of my party."
He did not, however, mention the party, but said that his presidential campaign machinery was already in place and that his attention cannot be diverted.

"I've a political party and I hope to go only with my campaign on the platform of the party. That's the first thing. Right now, my attention is on this and there are so many of my supporters in the country," he explained.

Asked whether the probe of his elder son, Mohammed, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) will not affect his presidential ambition, he said: "It may interest you that my son went to EFCC out of his own volition and he answered all the questions put to him to the best of his knowledge."

Babangida further debunked a widespread speculation that the relationship between him and President Olusegun Obasanjo has not been cordial.
"People are entitled to their own opinion. My own understanding of the relationship between me and the president is that it has been cordial. Don't forget that we were in the Army together and he was my senior. Up till now, I have respect for him," he said.

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