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2 dead as Area Boys attack Rev King's devotees

Posted by By JULIANA FRANCIS and LUKMAN OLABIYI on 2006/08/19 | Views: 590 |

2 dead as Area Boys attack Rev King's devotees

The Rev. (Dr) King saga took a messier dimension Wednesday as street urchins popularly known as Area Boys attacked the devotees, leaving two dead and at least four others on danger list at the Lagos Island General Hospital.

The Rev. (Dr) King saga took a messier dimension Wednesday as street urchins popularly known as Area Boys attacked the devotees, leaving two dead and at least four others on danger list at the Lagos Island General Hospital.
Several others beaten to an inch of their lives suffered injuries, but managed to escape.

The victims, all members of the Ajao Estate-based Christian Praying Assembly (CPA) were returning home from court where they had gone to show solidarity with their spiritual leader , Rev. King who is standing trial for allegedly setting ablaze six members of his church on Saturday July 22. They were Ann Uzoh, Vivian, Uche, Chiejina, Jessica and Kosiso Chukwu.
Ann Uzoh who suffered first degree burns died a few days later.

The attack on the devotees occurred as Rev King was ordered by an Ebute-Metta Magistrate court to remain in prison custody pending the advice of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) on his case.
Eye-witness account said the members of the church, were returning from the Ebute-Metta magistrate court, where their leader Reverend Emeka Ezeugo King had appeared in court before they were attacked by the Area Boys.
The church members were said to have been identified by the hoodlums following the uniform they wore and their long beards.

The incident, which happened at about 11 am, was said to have taken place at the Apapa-Costain road.
Though the members tried to fight back before the clash was quelled by Anti-robbery policemen from the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) Panti, Yaba, six of them were already at death's door.
Police spokesman, Olubode Ojajuni confirmed the attack, but said he had no information yet that any of the victims was dead. He added that the injured members were receiving treatment at the hospital. He also revealed that nobody had been arrested so far in connection with the attack.

Meanwhile, counsel to the victims told the court that members of the church, led by a lawyer in the defence team, have been visiting Queen in prison to persuade her to change her earlier statement to the police.
Queen had been reported to have confessed in her statement that she was the one that King gave the money to buy the petrol that was splashed on the victims before the pastor allegedly set them ablaze.

Allen Agbaka, appearing for the victims of King's alleged crime, pointing at Ebele and some members of the CPA said, "My Lord, I want you to take note of this. Some members of the church visited the prison to pressure Queen in order to change her statement with the police."

The defence, however, debunked the allegation, insisting that nobody was involved in any attempt to manipulate Queen to change her original statement with police, nor perverse the course of justice in any manner.

The accusations and counter accusations between the counsel charged the courtroom, but for the timely intervention of the trial magistrate, Tajudeen Elias, who struck the gavel to end the arguments.
The drama got underway before the commencement of the proceeding with prosecutor, Ochogwu Ogbeh, and defence counsel, Agbaka, engaging in verbal war over who should be allowed to sit in court.
Delivering his ruling, the Magistrate ordered King and the other two accused persons to be remanded in Kirikiri prison pending proper arraignment, while further hearing was fixed to September 13,2006.

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