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Lagos bans Okada riders from 7p.m. - 6a.m.

Posted by MANSUR OLADUNJOYE on 2006/08/10 | Views: 614 |

Lagos bans Okada riders from 7p.m. - 6a.m.

RESIDENTS of Lagos State are in for a tougher time as government yesterday re-introduced an indefinite ban on operators of commercial motorcycles.....

RESIDENTS of Lagos State are in for a tougher time as government yesterday re-introduced an indefinite ban on operators of commercial motorcycles, popularly called Okada from 7 pm to 6am daily.

Violators of the ban would pay a fine of N50,000.
Lagos State Information and Strategy Commissioner, Mr Dele Alake announced this yesterday after the State Executive Council meeting in Government House, Ikeja, Lagos, noting that security agents have been directed to enforce the ban.
Mr Alake said the state government was forced to re-introduce the ban which it relaxed sometime ago because of unfavourable security reports concerning the activities of Okada operators.
Said he: 'the miscreants and never-do-well, have conspired to stress us to re-introduce this ban which was relaxed before now."
He accused the operators of using the means of transport for robbery, saying 'security reports have indicated a sharp rise in cases of stealing, robbery, maiming, and others committed with the aid of Okada as a 'get away" vehicle. 'The operators snatch handsets as well as brandish guns to collect items of jewelry from their victims," Mr. Alake stated.

Citing the case of an 18-year old boy robbed and shot in the neck by people on Okada, at Ikoyi while trying to fix a flat tyre, he stressed: 'on no account should anybody patronize them within that hour, the blanket ban covers the riders and the passengers, until further notice."
He said, 'all the security agents have been mandated to strictly enforce this order, they have been empowered to apprehend violators because they have constituted security risks to both lives and property."

Alake promised that no stone will be left unturned by the state government towards ensuring peace in Lagos State.
He, however, called for cooperation of the Okada operators and passengers in compliance with the state government towards the successful implementation of the ban order.

Ban on okada operators is not peculiar to Lagos as the order is also operational in Aba, Imo State and Enugu.

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