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Fire breaks out at Lagos int'l airport

Posted by on 2003/10/23 | Views: 603 |

Fire breaks out at Lagos int'l airport

The Murtala Muhammed Airport, the international airport in Lagos, commercial capital of Nigeria, caught fire Thursday morning, an official from the airport immigration office told Xinhua.

LAGOS, Oct. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- The Murtala Muhammed Airport, the international airport in Lagos, commercial capital of Nigeria, caught fire Thursday morning, an official from the airport immigration office told Xinhua.

  "All passengers have safely left the terminal," said the immigration official who declined to be identified.

  The fire is still on, he said, adding that all the flights have been canceled.

  The cause of the fire is unknown.

  The Lagos international airport is the largest of its kind in Nigeria, having regular direct flights to London, Paris and other major European cities, as well as other West African countries.

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