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US-based Anambra indigenes set up erosion control committee

Posted by vanguard on 2006/07/31 | Views: 599 |

US-based Anambra indigenes set up erosion control committee

AWKA - NATIVES of Aguata and Orumba Local Government Areas of Anambra operating on the platform of Aguata/Orumba Union in the United States.....

AWKA - NATIVES of Aguata and Orumba Local Government Areas of Anambra operating on the platform of Aguata/Orumba Union in the United States of America have resolved to set up an erosion committee. The committee would produce an educational video designed to enlighten their people on the causes of erosion.

This decision is contained in a communique issued at the end of the union's annual convention held in Dallas,Texas and jointly signed by Chief Ralph Obijiofor and Mr Chima Akunne, its president and secretary respectively.

The communique made available to the press over the weekend in Awka, said that the video would educate the people on what to do to prevent their homes going down into erosion gullies. 'When the video production is ready, it will be mass produced and distributed widely and free in Aguata and Orumba local government areas,'' the communique said.

According to the document, 'the erosion problem in Aguata/Orumba has reached a crisis proportion.
'Lives, homes and farmland have been lost and more are in serious danger. No person of Aguata/Orumba origin can afford to ignore this problem anymore,'' it said.
The union observed that the decision to focus on the role expected of the people was aimed at enlightening them on what to do to slow down run-off water.

This would very well prevent more gullies from developing and swallowing homes and farm lands, it stated.
'We urge our Representatives both in the states and federal legislatures to live up to their responsibilities in calling the nation's attention to the erosion calamity facing our region.

'We further call on them to initiate legislation that will ease the implementation of erosion control measures,'' the communique added.
On health care, the union re-affirmed its desire to set up a mobile clinic in the area, stressing that a committee would soon be set up to fine tune plans and fund raising for the project.

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