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CON MAN's Confession...‘Why I impersonated Super Falcon's captain'

Posted by By Juliana Francis on 2006/07/27 | Views: 610 |

CON MAN's Confession...‘Why I impersonated Super Falcon's captain'

The young man, who was arrested for impersonating the Super Falcon's captain, Miss Perpetua Nkwocha, has revealed that he duped people.....

The young man, who was arrested for impersonating the Super Falcon's captain, Miss Perpetua Nkwocha, has revealed that he duped people because he wanted to see his siblings through secondary school.

Also, he said he engaged in nefarious activities because he discovered that human beings love lies!

Uche Ndubuisi, from Abia State said he was a professional footballer and dancer. He explained that he had acted a role of a female in a home video entitled, Black Angel. He said several people had told him that he looked like Nkwocha, adding that the idea to disguise as the captain came after he bought bras and foams, a dress and shoes which he wore and looked like a woman.

Explaining his mode of operation, he said: "When you go to people to assist you and tell them the truth, they would not help. But when you tell them lies, they would quickly help you. I do what I do to eke out a living. I'm sorry for it because I have really destroyed Perpetua Nkwocha's name. Once I see a man, I will walk up to him. I will introduce myself as Perpetua. I will think of a story to tell him. I will ask for a loan and promise to repay."

Ndubuisi said he had found out that people easily believed a super star, like Perpetua Nkwocha could repay whatever loan, especially after he flashed his international passport bearing the name. He would give his victim fake phone numbers and address.

Detectives attached to the Orile police station arrested him on July 18, after he duped one Mrs. Edna Eke of N50,000.

The victim, a cousin of Perpetua Nkwocha, told Daily Sun that she gave the money to Ndubuisi thinking he was her real cousin.

Eke, a teacher, said she had gone to Felton Hotel at Ijesha in May, 2006, to teach a private pupil when she learnt that her supposed cousin was staying at the hotel. He made attempts to see the supposed soccer star but failed.

"When I walked into the hotel few days later after hearing that Perpetua was there, I heard someone calling me Nki, for Nkiru. I was shocked. Only someone who knew me down to my village could call me Nki. I turned and saw him. He said he was Perpetua. We embraced. It had been long I saw Perpetua. In fact, we saw last when we were in primary school, but I remembered she was not busty. When I asked about the size of the breasts, he said it was due to the type of drugs given to them in the camp.

Some days later, Ndubuisi Eke asked for a loan of N200,000. He said it was an emergency. He explained to Eke that he needed to clear his goods fast from the port. Eke with her husband raised N50,000. Still doubtful of Ndubuisi, Eke took her husband along to verify. The husband too fell for the fraudster. Ndubuisi collected the loan and vanished into thin air.

In July when Eke had almost forgotten the incident, she bumped into Ndubuisi at about 9pm, at the Alaba Suru market. Ndubuisi said he came to buy make-up kit. Eke raised an alarm and the trickster was arrested.

Ndubuisi admitted to have duped several people. His first victim was a trader at the Alaba International Market. According to him, his parents died when he was 14, leaving eight of them behind. He said after the parent's death, there was nobody to help them, revealing that the first child, a lady, was mentally unstable. He said being the second, the lot fell on him to take care of the younger ones. He started disguising as a lady and money started rolling in.

The trickster got a room for the six children and made sure they were all in school. A secondary school drop-out, Ndubuisi said his dream was to see all his siblings through school.
"I don't regret being a man. God knows his reasons for creating me a man and I know I will achieve those reasons one day," he said.

He denied being a gay and claimed to be a virgin. He also revealed that many men asked him for relationship, thinking he was a lady, but he had always turned them down, because, "they would want to take me to bed."

He added that his siblings knew what he did to provide for them. He said: "My beloved ones know what I do to sustain them. They are my reason for being in this mess." He said he had avoided detention for a long time by cleverly moving from place to place. Police have recovered N100,000 from his hotel room, which he claimed to have got from one of his victims.'

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