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EFCC On Course, Says S/South Group

Posted by From Chuks Akunna in Abuja on 2006/07/24 | Views: 577 |

EFCC On Course, Says S/South Group

South-south Elements Progre-ssive Union (SSEPU), has lauded the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)....

South-south Elements Progre-ssive Union (SSEPU), has lauded the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), saying it has proven that no one is truly above the law in Nigeria.
The group also welcomed EFCC's move to screen aspirants to political offices in 2007, adding that election of credible and honest leaders was the only way to move the country forward.
In a letter to EFCC Chairman, Mr Nuhu Ribadu, SSEPU said it was impressed by the commission's performance, which was 'devoid of fear or favour, even in the face of glaring intimidation and harassment. We urge you to continue in this direction and give you our unflinching support to rid Nigerian of corrupt political and business leaders."
In the letter signed by its national Chairman, Joe Ambakederimo, the group expressed dismay that 'it has become a norm for every meaningful government policy that to be given political colouration.
"Nigerians should stop being petty and do the things that should be done to support EFCC in its task of ridding the country of corruption rather than vilify EFCC," it said.
SSEPU said EFCC has the task of ensuring that questionable individuals are not allowed to contest the 2007 polls."
It also advised EFCC to engage informants to supply it with information on corruption, and beam its searchlight on multinational oil companies, 'to stem corrupt practices in the sector."

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