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3 persons murdered in PH

Posted by The Port Harcourt Telegraph on 2005/02/17 | Views: 593 |

3 persons murdered in PH

Three persons are said to have been murdered in different incidents in Rivers State. They are Stanley Anyah, Effiong Archibong and David Richard.

Three persons are said to have been murdered in different incidents in Rivers State. They are Stanley Anyah, Effiong Archibong and David Richard.

The Port Harcourt Telegraph gathered that Stanley Anyah of No.1 Onyebuchi Close, Rumuepirikom, Port Harcourt died following beatings he received during a fight with one Hon. Atonkaritou Amoro on January 22, 2005.

Effion Archibong from Ugo local government area of Akwa Ibom met his death as he went to separate a fight where he received deep matchet cuts and consequently bled to death.

On his part, David Richard was said to have also gone to separate another fight between two individuals where the stick used by one of those involved allegedly hit the victim, causing his death. His body has been deposited at the Braithwaite Memorial Hospital (BMH), Port Harcourt.

The State Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Ereju Barasua while confirming the incidents explained that the suspects have been arrested and police investigation set in motion.

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