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Northern Union, Edo Democrats back North for presidency

Posted by By Ibanga Isine and Senan John Murray, Abuja on 2006/07/21 | Views: 598 |

Northern Union, Edo Democrats back North for presidency

Two groups, the Northern Union and Edo Democrats, on Thursday urged the political class to respect the agreement....

Two groups, the Northern Union and Edo Democrats, on Thursday urged the political class to respect the agreement to return power to the North during the 2007 elections.

In a communiqué issued at the end of a joint meeting in Abuja, the groups reaffirmed their commitment to the unity and development as well as the sustenance of democracy in the country.

In the communiqué that was signed by Dr. Olusola Saraki, Dr. Ibrahim Lame and Chief Abdul Omogiafo, the groups expressed their commitment to the principles of justice, fair play and equity as the foundations upon which social, economic and political stability of Nigeria rested.

The communique reads in part, "In furtherance of these commitments, we hereby reiterate our collective support for the understanding that after eight years of the present regime that power must naturally shift from the South to the North of Nigeria by May 2007.

"We implore the Federal Government of Nigeria to ensure free, fair and peaceful and credible elections."

The groups resolved to build bridges of collaboration between the various peoples of the country to ensure the overall interest of Nigeria and promote peace and development.

But a traditional ruler from the Niger Delta region, Chief Anabs Sara-Igbe, countered the position of the two groups, saying that there was no agreement at any time to return power to the North in 2007.

He said the South-South had made contributions to the socio-economic and political development of the country and deserved the presidency.

"Our patience should not be taken for weakness. The South-South people say no to power shift and will not play the second fiddle in this country. Enough is enough," Sara-Igbe said.

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