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Etche student leader alleges threat to life

Posted by By Chimex Ndubuisi on 2006/07/21 | Views: 629 |

Etche student leader alleges threat to life

The leader of Etche Students in Bayelsa State, Comrade Anurume Ozioma has cried out to the state government and security agencies....

The leader of Etche Students in Bayelsa State, Comrade Anurume Ozioma has cried out to the state government and security agencies over alleged threat to his life.

In a chat with newsmen in Port Harcourt, Mr. Ozioma who is the Secretary-General, National Union of Etche Students Caretaker Committee and a 400 level medical student at the Niger Delta University, Bayelsa said if nothing was done, he would loss his life.On who he believes could be behind the act, the student leader who is now in hiding said that it was his predecessor, Emem Chigozie, the past president of Etche Students.
He said Chigozie phoned him on July 11, 2006 at about 1.45am on his election as the Secretary-General of the Caretaker Committee and warned him no to present himself for the inauguration on July 12, 2006, threatening to deal with him if he did.

Comrade Ozioma disclosed that after the inauguration which took place at Okehi, headquarters of Etche, the former president called him on phone again and threatened brimstone which as a result, he has been hiding and can not continue his studies at the university.
According to him, "the past president is not happy because of the manner he was dethroned by the students' body after the expiration of his tenure in which an election should be conducted", he said.
The student leader who has already petitioned the state Commissioner of Police on the threat, appealed to the students, government and individuals to come to his rescue as his life was in danger.

On whether the entire students supported his inauguration as leader, he said that thousands of them came for the inauguration during which an award was also presented to the Council Chairman, Hon. Ephraim Nwuzi.

On the allegation that the council chairman embezzled the sum of N10milion meant for students' bursary, he said that it was not true, as the person who signed the petition could not defend himself.
He described the relationship between the chairman and the students as cordial as students have endorsed him for another term.

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