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Bayelsa police parade seven suspected motorcycles thieves

Posted by tidenewsonline on 2006/07/18 | Views: 586 |

Bayelsa police parade seven suspected motorcycles thieves

Seven middle-aged men suspected to be members of a notorious gang of thieves operating in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital and...

Seven middle-aged men suspected to be members of a notorious gang of thieves operating in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital and its environs have been arrested by anti-crime squad of Bayelsa State police command.

The suspects whose names were given as: Yakubu Abrahim, Haladu Ahmed, Isimalia Isa and Aminu Yahaya were apprehended after they had successfully stole four motorcycles around Okutukutu area of the state.

As they were about moving out of the state, luck ran out of them when police suspected their movement and decided to intercept them.

Unable to explain, how they came by the automobile machines, they were taken to the police station at Ekeki, where they made confessional statements.

The suspects later took the police to Everest Isi, Dennis Uwanwa, and Uwem George, their accomplices and usual receivers of the stolen motorcycle.

Parading the suspects before journalists at Ekeki police station, the command Public Relations Officer, Mr. Ibiekeme Inniobong (DSP), said the suspects claimed they all live at Bori Camp, Port Harcourt.

He said following the confession of the initial four suspects, the other three were arrested in their workshops where dismantled parts of about 15 other cycles suspected to be stolen were recovered.

According to him, the leader of the gang, Yakubu Yahaya is standing trial in the court for committing similar offence, disclosing that all of them would be prosecuted.

The PPRO while disclosing that the owners of the recovered motorcycles have come for identification, advised the public to guard their property from unscrupulous persons, while any suspected character in their midst should be reported to the police for proper actions.

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