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Rivers Ijaw Movement may campaign for S/South Presidency in London

Posted by thephctelegraph on 2006/07/14 | Views: 602 |

Rivers Ijaw Movement may campaign for S/South Presidency in London

The Rivers Ijaw Movement (RIVIMO), an NGO has called on all Ijaws, other NGOs, religious groups and the entire Niger Delta people....

The Rivers Ijaw Movement (RIVIMO), an NGO has called on all Ijaws, other NGOs, religious groups and the entire Niger Delta people not to relent in their agitation for the South-South presidency, come 2007 Presidential race.
The chairman of Rivers Ijaw Movement, Chief Senibo Princewill made this known while speaking to newsmen in his office in Port Harcourt.

Chief Princewill who commended politicians, resource persons, NGOs, religious groups and women from the Niger Delta in their resolve to fight for the presidency of this country, said until the battle is won, every Niger Delta person owes it as a duty to put their best contribution towards the struggle.

The group noted that after watching others rule the country for the past 46 years witht our God-given resources, the Niger Delta person cannot afford to wait for extra one month away from the presidential seat in Aso Rock.

The chairman maintained that if the Niger Delta people do not sabotage the efforts of the struggle, "then we should be rest assured that this is our chance and only chance."
The group's chairman revealed that Rivers Ijaw Movement has concluded plans to travel to London to attend the Major Isaac Boro's Day Commemoration organized by the Ijaw People Association (IPA) in Great Britain and Island, billed to hold this month.

During the Boro's Day London conference, Ijaws will reappraise their position not only in Nigeria, but also the world at large. Princewill stressed that Rivers Ijaw Movement is armed to make her position on the South-South presidency prime as the group's cardinal objective to the London event.

"Our occupation of the presidential seat in 2007 cannot be compromised for any reason, both individually or collectively. It is a journey that must be accomplished; future generation of Niger Deltans will rise one day to either blame us, if we fail, or praise us if we succeed. It is a struggle we cannot shy away from until victory is assured. We shall re-echo this recurrent theme in London, during the Boro's day," he concluded.

The publisher of Signal NEWS who told news men that Ijaw People's Assembly has invited 20 members of the Rivers Ijaw Movement as guests in the London conference disclosed that plans were afloat to ensure that all those invited travel out for the convention and further assured Rivers people that they would do their best to speak for the South-South presidency in London.
A statement signed by the Public Affairs Manager of RIVIMO, Mr. Ogbologwung Gabriel also called on all the six South-South governors to form a common front for the struggle, adding that "at the end of the tunnel, victory shall be ours."

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