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Herbalists caught with stolen twins

Posted by By JOE OMOKARO on 2006/07/14 | Views: 606 |

Herbalists caught with stolen twins

A suspected herbalist, Alhaja Abike Onanuga from Iperu-Remo in Ogun State, escaped being lynched by an angry mob on Lagos Island on Monday, as she was implicated by a woman caught with stolen twins.

A suspected herbalist, Alhaja Abike Onanuga from Iperu-Remo in Ogun State, escaped being lynched by an angry mob on Lagos Island on Monday, as she was implicated by a woman caught with stolen twins.

When she denied involvement, her companion in crime, Abosede Alabi also from Ogun State, who attempted to kidnap the twins told the police at Lion Building Lagos, that Abike concealed charms in her private part.

A search was conducted on her which led to recovery of a black ring with a red rag in her private part.
Sunday Sun gathered that Abosede had gone to somewhere near Salu Court on Lagos Island and sat beside a prayer house as though waiting for prayer time.

The twins, Taiye and Kehinde,( five years each), were said to be playing with their mates around the prayer house, when Abosede approached them and allegedly bought them ice cream. Unknown to the kids that the ice cream was a trap, they did not hesitate to follow ‘aunt' Abosede when she requested to go and buy soap. But Taiye was said to have stayed back prompting Abosede to lure another child supposing her to be a twin. The second child Miss Ikimat Oyinloye,( six years), was said to have joined Kehinde in following Abosede in search of the purported soap.

Sunday Sun also learnt that on getting to a nearby shop Abosede changed her tactics. The seller who knows the kids asked what they wanted to buy and they said soap but that Abosede reportedly interrupted and said it was pap, knowing that the seller does not have pap.
A good Samiritan was said to have sighted them and challenged their movement with a strange woman. Abosede's irrational respond was said to have sold her motive out, prompting the Samiritan to raise an alarm.

Sunday Sun gathered that within a twinkle of an eye a crowd surge round Abosede trying to lynch her. Abike was said to have also sold herself out when she emerged and insisted on bringing a video man to film Abosede. She allegedly brought out N1,000 to look for a video cameraman causing curiosity from the crowd. The crowd reportedly turned at Abike and wondered what her interest was. They subsequently descended on her and beat her to a pulp.
Sunday Sun learnt that quick intervention of Policemen from Lion Building saved the duo from being lynched.

It was also gathered that on interrogation at the police station, Abosede claimed to have been sent by Abike who she said took her to the Salu Court the previous day Sunday to show her where the twins lives. She was said to have confessed that Abike instructed her to specifically kidnap twins.
Abike, according to a source close to the police, denied the allegation but Abosede insisted that in order for the police to believe her story the police should search Abike and will find charms inserted in her private part.

Sunday Sun learnt that Abike told the police that Abosede was insane and her claim be disregarded. But Abosede was said to have insisted on her claim prompting the police to take Abike to an office where she was searched and a ring and a red rag allegedly found in her private part.

Father of the twins, Mr. Olaofe told Sunday Sun that one of the twins was not fealing fine hence they did not go to school that day. According to him, Abosede had successfully taken the kids from Salu Court where he lives, through Simpson street, but was caught between Lewis and Holley streets.
His grouse against the police was that they are not acting fast to nail Abike with other evidences. He disclosed that he had to ensure that the case from immediately transferred from the Divisional level to Area Commander's office.

Sunday Sun gathered that Abike claimed to be a trader but when police visited her residence at Ketu, neighbours allegedly told the police that she is herbalist. It was also gathered that she claim to have ten children but that her daughter whose names are being shielded by the police punctured her mother's claim, saying that her mother have seven children and does not know of the rest three.
Olaofe expressed fear that 'I hope the ice cream the children took was not charmed. I think the police should do something fast about it," he lamented

Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Emmanuel Adebayo when contacted on phone to confirm the arrest and discovery of charms as well as allegation of the lukeworm attitude of the police said he was 'not aware I am yet to be briefed by the DPO and Area Commander. Call the PPRO."
The PPRO, Mr. Olabode Ojajuni when contacted on phone confirmed the story but refused to give details.

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