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Aikhomu hails Odili's developmental strides in Rivers

Posted by Dagogo Clinton on 2006/07/13 | Views: 581 |

Aikhomu hails Odili's developmental strides in Rivers

The former Military Vice President of Nigeria, Retired Admiral Augustus Aikhomu has lauded the achievements of the Rivers State Governor....

The former Military Vice President of Nigeria, Retired Admiral Augustus Aikhomu has lauded the achievements of the Rivers State Governor, Dr Peter Odili and has pledged to associate with his administration.

Retired Admiral Aikhomu stated this yesterday during a luncheon hosted in his honour by the Rivers State Governor at Government House, Port Harcourt.

The former Vice President who said he was not in the state to sing praises of Governor Odili however, remarked that what he has seen, particularly the new Government House and the Port Harcourt International Airport Road, were worthy legacies.

Admiral Aikhomu said Dr Odili has transformed the state from what he knew before into something completely new. 'As a young officer, we knew what Port Harcourt was before it assumed the present status under Governor Odili's administration," Aikhomu said.

Admiral Aikhomu explained that the Governor has not only challenged others to sit up but also surpassed the expectations of the people and thanked God for giving him the wisdom to make such contributions to the making of a new Rivers State.

He expressed delight at the decision taken by the federal military government in 1991 to lift the ban on political activities in Nigeria, emphasizing that he was glad and humbled that the decision was not a mistake.

'I have faith in you, continue to do what you know how to do best" the former military Vice President said, and prayed God to guide the Governor as he thrives to provide purposeful, people-oriented leadership to the people of Rivers State.

Earlier, the Rivers State Governor Dr. Peter Odili had commended Retired Admiral Augustus Aikhomu for the leadership displayed during his tenure as military Vice President.

Dr. Odili noted that although he was not elected by the people, Admiral Aikhomu performed the duties of his office as if he was elected to serve, noting that his performance became a turning point for those that succeeded them.

He used the opportunity to thank the former military Vice President for what he did for the country and for Rivers State in particular, recalling the decision their administration took in 1991 which shaped the fortunes of Rivers State and made it possible for him to serve as Deputy Governor under Chief Rufus Ada-George.

The Governor expressed happiness in receiving the former Vice President at the new Government House, describing him as not only a friend of Rivers State, but a senior brother and was the longest serving Vice President of Nigeria.

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