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NFA appoint national coaches this week

Posted by kickoffnigeria on 2006/07/03 | Views: 694 |

NFA appoint national coaches this week

The Nigeria Football Association (NFA) will take a final decision on the appointment of national coaches during the association's executive meeting.....

The Nigeria Football Association (NFA) will take a final decision on the appointment of national coaches during the association's executive meeting slated for Tuesday and Wednesday.

NFA chairman, Ibrahim Galadima told KICK OFF in Abuja that a final position on the matter will be taken at the association's executive meeting this week.

"Nigerians have the right to be worried about this matter and we (NFA) are equally worried. That was why we made our position clear in good time as regards the board's own stand on who has the power to appoint coaches.

"It all boils down to the issue of authority. Of course we made that very clear and Nigerians are aware of it," the NFA boss disclosed at the association's Glass House Secretariat in Abuja

He stressed the need to stabilize the system in view of the association's upcoming programmes.

"We are mindful of the closeness of our programmes and the need for us to stabilize the system in terms of preparing the various national teams for the crucial assignments ahead.

"But of course directives or authorities have to be enforced. This is why the board is looking at it critically," the FA boss stressed.

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