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UNIDO launches small hydropower in Nigeria

Posted by The Guardian on 2006/06/28 | Views: 629 |

UNIDO launches small hydropower in Nigeria

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO has launched a regional centre for small hydropower in Abuja

The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO has launched a regional centre for small hydropower in Abuja. By its conception, it represents the first major step towards stable electricity delivery in Nigeria.

The coming on board of the plant is to make for the implementation in Nigeria of the global shift from massive hydro stations like dams to small, but more efficient and cost effective technological devices. The big Hydro stand ups are now considered obsolete. At Wednesday's ceremony in Abuja to mark the birth of the regional centre for small hydro power in Nigeria, Science and Technology Minister, Professor Turner Isoun, his industries counterpart Ambassador Fidelis Tapgun as well as Power and Steel Liyel Imouke, maintained that Nigeria is more than ever before desirous of an enduring partnership with the specialised agencies if the United Nations (UN) in order to fully realise the energy vision of the federal government. Also speaking at the launch which held at the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) secretariat, the UNIDO Director General Dr Kandeh Yumkella Outlined what must be done now to achieve the millennium development goals since one third of the world lack access to modern forms of energy with a great number of such living in Nigeria.

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