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Sani denies alleged Saudi funding of presidential bid

Posted by From Seun Adeoye, Osogbo on 2006/06/19 | Views: 590 |

Sani denies alleged Saudi funding of presidential bid

ZAMFARA State Governor , Ahmed Sani at the weekend denied insinuation in some quarters that he was being sponsored by the Saudi Arabia government to vie for the nation's presidential seat by 2007.

ZAMFARA State Governor , Ahmed Sani at the weekend denied insinuation in some quarters that he was being sponsored by the Saudi Arabia government to vie for the nation's presidential seat by 2007.

Sani spoke in Osogbo, Osun State during an interview programme tagged: "Executive Chart" organised by the state Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ).

According to Sani, who was the first governor in the Northern states to introduce Sharia law, it would be impossible for him to receive financial assistance from any foreign country without the Federal authorities detecting such." No bank in Nigeria today will transfer money for you without any of the agents of government knowing about it," he added.

The governor stated that what spurred him to seek the highest office in the country was based on his good performance in Zamfara State.

Although he stated that his government faced serious challenges when he introduced the Sharia legal system, which generated international reactions, he noted that immediately after the "dust raised by Sharia settled down", he was able to concentrate on several projects for the benefit of the citizenry.

"We are not extremists but moderate Moslems in Zamfara. Today, both Moslems and non Moslems in the state are peace-loving. Zamfara is today the least crime state. Christians in the state are not being taken to Sharia court. The plan of every government was to ensure protection of life and property and peace", he stated.

He also praised President Olusegun Obasanjo's reform policies and stated that he would strengthen both the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) and Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) if voted into power in 2007.

He said: "The president tried. His first term was tougher. Nigeria was on the verge of collapse when he took over. He was also in a bad party. People working with him were not working for him and were working at different directions from the president . Most of the money he released for poverty alleviation programme got into wrong hands and private pockets.

"But during his second term, he got some experts who worked for him. And any president should continue these reforms but with human face. And l know that in the next few years you will find people voting for programmes and mission of candidates".

On power-shift, Yerima stated that only those not knowledgeable about what democracy entails were calling for power rotation. "People don't understand the workings of democracy. Selection of candidates is done by the parties. Once selected by your party, no one can stop you.

"If one out of six geo-political zones say it won't support you, that alone cannot stop you from becoming the president. Power-shift is only possible through political arrangement", he stressed.

Yerima who stated that his party, the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) had survived its crisis however decried the neglect of the Niger Delta people, saying the situation in the area was pathetic and unacceptable.

While suggesting that what the South South needed was more than the funds released monthly, the Zamfara governor stated that an adequate developmental plan by both the Federal Government and the oil companies operating in the zone must be put in place.

The governor who announced a donation of N3 million for the development of the state NUJ information centre disclosed that his nine-point agenda for his presidential campaign would soon be released.

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