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Another militia threaten attack on Shell

Posted by By FEMI FOLARANMI, Yenagoa on 2006/06/15 | Views: 567 |

Another militia threaten attack on Shell

Barely 24 hours after the Iduwini Volunteer Force, IVF gave a seven-day ultimatum for Peak Petroleum to meet the demands contained in the peace accord it entered into with the community or face serious disruption of work...

Barely 24 hours after the Iduwini Volunteer Force, IVF gave a seven-day ultimatum for Peak Petroleum to meet the demands contained in the peace accord it entered into with the community or face serious disruption of work, another group Pennington Development Front had served notice to Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) that it would launch attack on the company if its demands of development of the communities are not met.

According to the group, unless the agreement with the communities are implemented, the activities of the company will be disrupted in the next few days.

The group explained that failure to meet its demands, will attract attacks on the E.A. field OML 79, Bonga oil field OPL 212 and Peak Petroleum OML 122 operations, adding that it has contacted other militants to get ready for the operation it code-named Operation Cobra.

The group in a statement signed by its president, P. Angila, alleged that SPDC deliberately excluded some communities from its list so as to fuel crisis in the area and create confusion among the people.
It specifically said SPDC excluded Ezetu 11 and Ogogoroma as hosts to E.A. field OML 79, Bonga oil field OPL 212, as well as Peak Petroleum OML 122 operations.

The group said that it was abreast of the "confusion methods" of SPDC, stressing that the company would not have found itself in this situation if it had consulted with the host communities before prospecting for oil in the area.

It added that it was prepared to go to any length to ensure that sanity was restored to the environment by oil companies bent on frustrating the people of oil bearing communities.

"We are committed and well prepared to explore any length in our struggle to ensure that justice is done to our communities which were deliberately excluded from the list of the EA field host communities by SPDC" it warned.

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